February 17, 2010


Yesterday was a big day for me. I found out that I did not do so well on two tests that i had yesterday and it was really an eye opening experience for me. I need to really regroup and refocus on what my priorities are and really stick to them. and my priority is the following:

1. Pass all my prerequisite courses
2. Get accepted into the nursing program at daytona state.
3. To complete all my nursing courses with a B or higher.
4. To graduate from the nursing program Fall 2011.

Well I am off to a rocky start! NOt good
But Im gonna get back on track so I can achieve all those goals I plan to achieve! I had a friend tell me today that he was so impressed that when i set my mind to a goal and stick to it! and I need to get back to that erika the erika that does whatever it takes to achieve her goal. Setting my goals and priorities and sticking to them. Well that is what im going to do and nothing can stop me!!!!

Watch out world!
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