November 13, 2013

Weight Loss Wednesday: Muscle Atrophy

Have you taken a gander at the My Fitness Pal widget on the right side of my blog? Well it states that I've got 75 pounds to get to my goal weight. I've lost almost 30 pounds since signing up in 2010. Yeah I know, slow goes it. Anyway, one thing that number doesn't account for is inch loss.

Well I was going over my progress and inch loss and noticed something quite odd. It isn't really odd as it is more alarming. I found that while I've lost almost 30 pounds my inch loss is very minor. Extremely minor to be exact. You know what that means don't you? I'm losing muscle!! *gasp!*

Yep folks that is the only logical thing. You see when you weight train or even cross train where you're not only doing cardio but you're also working your muscles a bit at the end of the day you're strengthening them. Making them short and thick or long and lean. Well I ain't doing either. I'm losing muscle because I'm not doing much in the strength training department. I'm keeping it real folks. Yeah I will do a few squats here and there, but nothing that equates to muscle building.

You see muscle weighs more than fat but takes up less space. You know 'cause it's dense and what not. So when I evaluated my progress over the last 3+ years and loss less than 10 inches overall that's an eyeopener. I should've seen the signs. I'm an all or nothing type of fitness person I've realized that it takes my body about 2 weeks before I start to see the effects of muscle loss. I start to feel run down and tired for no reason, I have a hard time sleeping, and lets just say I'm not as "regular."

How do I know? Well think about how you feel when you've worked out consistently? You have more energy, you sleep more soundly, you crave healthier foods, just to name a few. Maybe I'm just speaking for myself but that is what I experience with regular exercise. I assume the opposite occurs when you don't work out.

With that being said I'm off to do a bit of weight training. I have to admit working out is not fun anymore, it never really has been. Unless I pop in my Zumba DVD, then it's a party! What happens when you're not in the party mood? Ugh.

November 12, 2013

Tasty Tuesday: Cucumber Subs

You can't say this doesn't look just a little bit yummy! My local grocery store has cucumbers that are 2 for $1.50! I know what I'm having for lunch this week!

So what would you "cuke" fans load your sub with? *Let the salivating begin*


November 8, 2013

Fashionable Friday: Happy Birthday Mom!

Last Friday was my mom's birthday and we took her out for dinner. Here's what I wore.

It's nice to be able to find preppy clothing that fits. It is getting easier and easier as I get smaller. I just hope my wallet can handle the destruction when I reach my goal weight! Ha ha!

November 4, 2013

Mediocre to Marvelous: How do you do it?

Today's installation of M to M is more of a question than a strategy, plan, or recap. I'm having a very difficult time with changing up how I normally do things.

For example, when I am faced with a challenging decision I tend to avoid it until I MUST face it. Another example and one that is more weight loss related is when I'm stressed I tend to go to sleep (avoid) or even eat (not so much anymore but on occasion) but what I really would love to do is exercise to alleviate that stress. I don't know, jumping into bed seems more appealing than lacing up the sneaks. I do this unconsciously. It's just not my go-to stress reliever, with that being said...

How do you basically reprogram yourself to become the self you want to become? Did that make sense? I sure hope so.

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