January 27, 2012

Fashionable Friday: Date Night

Source: polyvore.com via Shelly on Pinterest

January 26, 2012

Fitness Infographic

I'm at it again...hanging out at Pinterest. I tell you that place will be my demise. I found this great infographic about fitness that I thought you all would enjoy. Great information! Happy Thursday!

Source: greatist.com via Erika on Pinterest

January 25, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

January 23, 2012


I just finished attending a Twitter party. It was such an uplifting and enjoyable experience I will have to attend them more often. Attending that "party" had me thinking about my future and how I "see" myself. I   decided that 2012 was going to be MY YEAR! I was going to accomplish those goals I mentioned in a previous post. The problem is how do I begin.

I read in one of my many self-help books about the power of positive thinking and affirmations. Also the saying "If you believe it you can achieve it." To change your mindset you have to start with daily prayer or affirmation. You may not "believe" it at first but saying it enough times over and over you soon will.

I've listed my daily affirmations in my journal and I plan on reading them every morning when I wake up, midday, and every evening before I go to bed. That is the suggested minimum amount of times you should read your affirmations.

My question of the day is...Do you believe you can change your mindset and achieve your goals with affirmations or prayers? Please post your experience below. I would love to hear about it. Have a great evening.

January 20, 2012

Fashionable Friday: Tan is Glam

Today's post was inspired by my blog friend Jane. I love her Fashionable Friday posts because she uses clothes found in her own closet! I think that is awesome! I took the liberty of going through my closet and I found an Ann Taylor dress I bought probably 10 years ago but never wore. It still has the tags on it!

It's a size 14 so being able to wear this dress in a few months is a reality! I bought this dress on clearance and I even had matching red & white striped sandals which I bought a half size too small. I no longer own them because they never fit my feet quite right. So I made a collage showing what I would pair with this dress. What do you think? Have you shopped your closet lately? Have a great weekend!

Ann Taylor Dress accessories

Kate Spade striped jacket, $478
Pretty Ballerinas ballerina shoes, $245
American Apparel metallic clutch, $46
Rope earrings
TopShop leopard scarve, $32

January 19, 2012

At Home Circuit Workout

I read quite a few blogs for various reasons as I'm sure most of you do too. One blog I enjoy following is Julie from Peanut Butter Fingers. I posted her at Home Circuit Workout on Pinterest the other day and I thought I would post it here on the blog.I thought this workout was a great workout to do at home. Enjoy!

Source: pbfingers.com via Erika on Pinterest

January 17, 2012

Panic has set in!

Yes, you read that right. The panic I'm talking about is the fact that I'm unemployed and still have to pay my bills! Yikes. You know what scares me more? The fact that I may have to work for someone else. I have to say the older I get the less tolerant I have of people's personalities that seem to clash with mine. I don't do well with the boss who is so self-absorbed that he has a hissy fit if he doesn't get his way. I'm over that. I'm 40 and I feel that I deserve a happy, non-toxic, peaceful work environment. As a child you have to tolerate quite a bit because you have no choice, you're stuck where you are until you're able to move out. I feel as an adult we have choices and we can rise above our childhood shortcomings and create an adulthood that is more conducive to our personalities. For me that is staying away from toxic people.

Back to my panicking, I really, really, really don't want to go back into the work force. I'm perfectly content staying at home and earning a living. The problem with that is mainly that the bills are due NOW and my earnings will come later than sooner. Getting used to income rolling in on a sporadic basis is pretty tough to get used to. I guess that is why so many people stick to their crappy jobs and bosses only because they know there will be a check at the end of the week.

These last few weeks have been a challenge for me. I'm trying to manage my time, not get overwhelmed, while maintaining a healthier lifestyle. Good news is I haven't gained a ton of weight! Yay me! But I have gained some. Let's just say the number over there >>>>>> for My Fitness Pal is not quite correct. You may want to add a pound or seven! Alright back to my panicking!

One thing I definitely want to become this year is a runner. At this point in my weight loss journey it will be a challenge only because my weight really makes it difficult to jog, let alone run. Until I'm able to run I will begin power walking. The biggest obstacle for me is walking outside in the daytime. I know that sounds crazy but I enjoy walking at night under the stars! I like being enveloped by the darkness. I don't particularly care for walking in the day where people can see me and the fat rolls bounce up and down. Today I'm leaving my comfort zone and I'm going to take a walk. My ultimate goal is to walk/jog/run when I need to relieve stress. My only stress reliever at this point is playing Cityville on Facebook and let's face it that is a complete waste of productivity time. I want to accomplish quite a bit this year and my time is precious.

My question of the day is what makes you panic? How do you "talk-yourself-off-the-ledge" when panic sets in? Please post your comments below. Have a great day!

January 12, 2012

Making the shift

Hello all. {Warning this is a long post because I feel chatty} So I am getting used to life as a self-employed woman. It's quite a challenge because I suffer (such a harsh word) from ADD and I have a difficult time focusing on tasks I've assigned myself for the day. I am a HARDCORE list writer. I walk around with notebooks so I can constantly write down my thoughts. My notebooks contain many lists, many, many, many lists. I even have a special notepad that I purchased back when I worked for kate spade.


Ain't it cute? I have a few pads of this and another style. We received a generous discount so I had to invest in paper. Getting sidetracked, oops! 

Back to my dilemma. I find it challenging to stay on task when there is SO much I have to do to maintain our home. I don't know how some WAH mom's do it. Honestly I pray for the ability to focus on something so I can accomplish anything that day. I was told by a friend today that I had too many things on my list and that I needed to cut it down. I thought having 8 items wasn't long at all. I managed to move 3 tasks for another day. But get this the remaining 5 items left still haven't been done! I know. Welcome to my life! I honestly don't know where my day goes. I did manage to start PUSH today. The first day is the most challenging because Chalene requires you to set your priorities. Have I mentioned that is one of my weakest areas? So I'm working on that tonight. Today's to do list will be moved over to tomorrow. 

Alright BACK to the original reason for this post. Learning to make the shift from employee to self employed. I've longed for the day I'd have the opportunity to work for myself. I wrote my desire to be self-employed in just about every journal entry. Well the day is here and I'm like a deer caught in headlights...WTH?!?!?!? I feel like God has given me this opportunity and I feel like I'm blowing it. I really have a hard time managing my time. 

How do you manage your time? Do you find you accomplish what you set out to do for the day? I really don't want to have to get a job. I feel I have enough resources here at home that will allow me to take care of my family. BUT WHY AM I NOT DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT?!?!? I guess only I know the answer. Duh. Tomorrow is a new day and tonight I am going to make a change and begin preparing for tomorrow. That is what I would do if I worked for someone else. Guess I need to do it for myself huh? 

>>>>>>>>>>We interrupt our regular programming for a Happy Distraction!<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Look at what this talented blogger made. She was inspired by my favorite kate spade purse of all time. The Owl bag!!!
What an amazing job she did! You can check out her tutorial here.

Alright I'm getting distracted again! Please tell me what do you do to stay on track? Please share your wisdom below. Thanks!

January 9, 2012

My Goals for 2012

I don't know about you but I've been inspired to list my goals for 2012. After reading blog after blog of goals for the new year I was compelled to join in. I have to warn you that my goals aren't pretty, frilly, nor have they been spritz with rose water. My goals are gritty and probably a bit too personal but what the hey my blog is about ME! It's a long post so sit a spell...here goes:

My most important goals (what I look forward to achieving) for 2012: 

1. Not to have my thighs stick together when I walk or do anything for that matter.

2. Lose massive amounts of inches in my bust. 14 inches to be exact. The memorable Christmas gifts for 2011 were two Wacoal bras in size...ready for this? 40H!!!!!!! I was glad it wasn't 40Z. Because they feel that large!

3. Go down to a size 9M shoe. I'm tired of looking down to see Sasquatch feet!

4. Have a firm smooth butt. My butt isn't as cottage cheesy as alot of women but I want it to be smoother.

5. Get rid of the 4 back boobs that currently reside above my stretch-mark laden hips. I loathe those fat sacks back there!

6. To feel warm skin on back boobs featured in #5. I'm so tired of the skin on the sides of my upper back feeling cold to the touch. Ugh!

7. Complete a mile in 10 mins...aka to become a runner. I know a runner does a mile faster than that but baby steps people, baby steps.

8. Lose my Buddha belly. It would require 18 inches to disappear. Don't get me wrong the belly looks better on Buddha not me.

9. Purchase & be able to fit this Lulu Lemon Hoodie or Fitted jacket. I drool every time I walk in that store and I can't wait for the day to walk in and buy one of those bad girls!

10. Attend the EVO' 2012 Conference in Park City, UT. This blogger's conference features a wide selection of topics that I want to learn more about. I want to further enrich my knowledge therefore  improving my blog. It's being held in the same hotel where I stayed last year for my brother's wedding so I'm looking forward to attending.

I'm attending Evo 11
11. Become a more active "Blogi-lite." Hey that's my way of saying "Blog socialite" and visit as well as comment on other blogs. Right now I'm a lurker. Well I do visit my buddy Jane. Hi Jane!

12. I've been thinking about this and I am ready to do it this year and that is to become a certified Zumba instructor! I have to wear my new Lulu clothes somewhere. In all seriousness I want to be able to maintain my weight loss and I feel if I had a career in fitness it will help me to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

13. Being present. Many times I find myself wishing it was some time in the future or lamenting on the past. I want to relish the moment and be happy for my blessings instead of complaining about what I don't have.

14. Be able to sustain my family by working for myself. That means diversifying my income. I'll talk about that in another post.

Alright I think that is more than enough to accomplish this year. I could go on but I want to succeed not fail so I will quit while I'm ahead. I'll be pretty busy this year working on those goals. How about you? What are your goals for this year? If you've already posted them on your blog please leave the link to your goals in the comments section so I can read and reply.

Thanks for taking the time to visit! And all the best on your successful journey in 2012!

January 6, 2012

PUSH: My challenge for the new year

I'm a PUSHer! That's right I said it! I am starting this year on the right foot or the left which ever hits the floor first. I'm actually talking about Chalene Johnson's new book PUSH. If you don't know anything about Chalene she is the creator of Turbo Jam and Turbo Fire. Have you done any of her workouts? Do you like hip hop and dance music? Well you will love her work outs. I've been a fan of hers for over 4 years. I had the opportunity to get a copy of her new book for FREE! So I couldn't pass up it up.

In a nutshell her book guides the reader through 30 days to achieve the best you. There are goal-setting activities, recipes, and of course exercises. I feel like this book has come into my life at the perfect time. I'm at a crossroads with all aspects of my life and I am ready for a change. So I'm going to start here. I will do my best to keep you posted...that is one goal.

Anyway, if you have a copy and you're going to challenge yourself to 30 days of PUSH please comment below, I would love a buddy!

Have a great week!

*Please note the image above is associated with an Amazon affiliate link. I would receive a small commission if you purchase the book through that link. Thanks if you do. Don't forget to report back to me when you start your PUSH journey!

Fashionable Friday: Arm Candy

Well the first week of the new year is now coming to a close...only 51 more weeks left. How are you doing with your goals and plans for the new year? Me? Um lets just say I look forward to a new day everyday! ;-)

So today I was thinking about what I should post for my fashionable Friday post and I wasn't inspired by any outfit or article of clothing. I was reading Alex's blog and she was modeling the most adorable bag I've seen in a while, at least in my opinion. It's the Prada Galleria Bag take a look at this beauty.

It's available in various colors but the orange just speaks to me...doesn't it to you? ;-) If you know anything about me when im not obsessing over my weight I am obsessing over handbags. I've loved handbags for as long as I can remember. I know preschool age at least. I will spend as much as I can on a designer bag. Because you know what? No matter how fat I get a bag ALWAYS fits! ;-)

So what do you obsess about? Post your fashion obsessions below I would love to hear er read them! Happy weekend!
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