October 31, 2013

I need more...but do I?

Lately I've been thinking about my future once I'm done with school. I feel like I don't know much more than I did when I entered school. I may be over critical but I truly believe I could've learned more. Why I'm saying this is that I feel too "green" to enter the workforce after next semester. I just don't feel comfortable securing a job. I've spoken to an instructor about my concern and he suggested I "create" my own self-study course. I can earn up to 3 credit hours and hopefully walk away with knowing a little something something before I apply for work. I thought it was a great suggestion and I just may do it...with at little inner apprehension of course.

This morning after bus stop duty I was explaining to the other moms my dilemma. They completely agree with my feeling of not learning enough. I felt validated. I then returned home to start working on a class project only to avoid it and visit the ultimate time waster (not Facebook) Pinterest. While browsing through new pins I found an article that I thought was the perfect answer to my dilemma. The article was about Sir Richard Branson. It talks about the habits of successful people. Basically, they start before they feel ready. That has ALWAYS been a problem for me. I feel like I need to know ALL the answers before I venture into something new. All the while just wasting time and not just STARTING!

I thought the article was just what I needed to read given my current dilemma. I clearly know enough to secure an entry level graphic designer position. Unfortunately something inside me thinks I need more. Which causes time to past and before you know it haven't started anything and I feel like I've never progressed as a designer.

Do you experience the same dilemma? Do you need to know EVERYTHING before starting?

Oh yeah...Happy Halloween!

October 30, 2013

Why do I do this to myself?

I'm starting to question becoming a freelance designer. I say that because there is so much that goes into running your own business that quite frankly I'm not in the mood to take on. Don't get me wrong I've worked for myself in the past and did okay. I guess being a creative person I don't like the mundane bookkeeping and all the other administrative mucky muck that goes with running a business.

That doesn't even include the fact that I feel a bit inferior to other established designers. I know, I know, I shouldn't compare myself. But really you can't tell me you don't compare yourself to others following a similar path. I think it's human nature. Unless you're a zombie. (Don't get me started on the over-zombification of America. What the heck is that about?) I guess I'm at a point that I feel more intimidated than inspired by designers in my field.

Plus, I'm starting to feel like I should have chosen another school because I don't feel like I know more than I did when I enrolled. I guess I thought school was going to be the "be all end all" and it ain't.

Yep that's right you've entered the "wah wah" zone. The place where I bitch and complain about how life is not going the way I planned. Welcome.

I guess this is where the adult tells the inner child in me to suck it up and move on... *sigh*

October 29, 2013

Tasty Tuesday: Baked Eggs

My go to meal for breakfast, lunch, dinner or even a snack!
Baking your eggs this way makes life so much easier. At least for me it does.

  1. I spray the pan with non-stick spray
  2. Crack the eggs or pour egg whites in each cup.
  3. Sprinkle a little salt and pepper on each
  4. (Optional) Sprinkle parsley flakes on each egg.
  5. Bake at 350F for 15 minutes.
  6. Enjoy!
Perfect for making breakfast sandwiches!

October 28, 2013

Mediocre to Marvelous: Last + This Week

So uh I was a bit advantageous last week to say the least. I uh worked out ONE DAY yep, you read that right. I didn't even walk or do any exercise during commercial breaks either. My job(s) and school have taken up so much of my time that I admit working out was not high on my list of priorities. Alright it wasn't on the list! There I said it.

*Deep Cleansing Breath*

Let's try this again. I'm working on a new list of this week's goals, but I won't be as aggressive. It seems like I jinx myself when I post what I'm going to do versus what I did. I want to stay accountable to this blog but it seems like my inner child has a tantrum and doesn't want to do what I plan to do.

Fortunately I'm not discouraged. I can't stop. I HAVE to get healthy. It's not an option to remain status quo. Without further adieu here's this week's Mediocre to Marvelous list.

3 days of Jillian Michaels or T-Tapp 18 min exercise
2 days of walking or walking DVD

Write out budget for 2 weeks

Plan 3 dinners

I'm keeping it a bit light yet still challenging so I can get a smidge closer to my goals. How was your week?

October 22, 2013

Tasty Tuesday: Eats on Repeat

I read the other day about a trick that helps break plateaus and attributes to continuous weight loss. The miracle trick is eating the same meals over and over. You know the meals, the ones that you know will not make you feel bloated, help you lose weight, and even help to maintain your weight. Keep these meals in your arsenal to get to your goal weight when it seems like your progress is slowing down.

Some of my go to meals are:

Baked eggs or egg whites (depends on my mood)
Jones farm sausage
Cheese stick
Green tea

Tuna salad
50/50 salad or any tossed greens salad
Cheese burger with no bun (or in 1/2 a low carb whole wheat pita)

Cheeseburger no bun
Steamed broccoli
Mashed Cauliflower

Pork rinds
Hard boiled egg
String cheese

I try to stick with foods that are of course low carb but also, gluten free and sugar free.

What are your "Eats on Repeat?"

October 21, 2013

Mediocre to Marvelous: This week

I decided I would post my goals for the week to make myself accountable.

This week I plan to do the following:
  • 3 Jillian Michael workouts; M,W, F
  • 2 T-Tapp 1 hour workouts; T, TH
  • Wake up at 6am to workout
  • Go to bed by 11pm to wake up by 6am.

I know these seem a bit advantageous but I've got to push myself. I can't continue to prolong this weight loss journey. #determined

What are you doing to make yourself accountable to your goals?

October 16, 2013

Weight loss Wednesday: Slow and sort of steady

I'm a tortoise. I logged into My Fitness Pal today to log my weight loss. And I've lost almost 28 pounds!!! I originally started this journey September 2008 but started documenting my journey on MFP February 2010 at my heaviest ever! It has taken me almost 4 years to get where I am today. I have to admit I didn't think I was accomplishing much losing 0.2 pounds here or 0.6 pounds there. I was expecting 1-3 pounds lost per week.

Looking back it took losing 23 pounds to really feel like I've accomplished something. I was finally able to go down a dress size. I'm still trudging along though. I would be lying if I told you I don't get discouraged on a daily basis. I'm also inspired on a daily basis as well.

I'm at a point where I really need to push myself. I was talking to a classmate who is training to run 40 miles!! I thought to myself 40 miles?!?!?! You're lucky I can walk my neighborhood! He was telling me he wasn't training to see if he can do it. He knows he can, we all could. He's doing it so he can push himself. Break those mental boundaries he set for himself that has held him back. Yes, it will take physically training and conditioning to achieve that goal. In the end he is doing it to strenghten himself mentally. I thought that was so profound.

Here I am bitching and complaining about little minute hurdles that I deal with like getting up a little early to workout (which I have YET to do). I'm inspired now. No, not to run a marathon, although I plan on doing a 5k by February. Just to push myself. Test my endurance. Hit the wall then get through it. I haven't challenged myself like that. I'm up for the challenge. I have to take this journey up a notch.

October 15, 2013

Tasty Tuesday: Oopsie Bread

Hey there! Welcome to another Tasty Tuesday! Today I wanted to share a low carb alternative to bread...Oopsie bread!

I hate to call it a struggle but it is a struggle finding foods to replace conventional foods. One problem I have is breakfast. I love the convenience of a breakfast sandwich especially when I can get it at a drive thru. If I'm going to lose any weight however I have to avoid that place like the plague! Not to mention the sodium and the carbs in those sandwiches are pretty high. I came up with an alternative! An oopsie breakfast sandwich!

Here's what you need for the oopsie bread:
3 eggs
1/8 tsp of salt
1/2 cup of softened cream cheese
1 tsp of baking powder (optional) gives it more of a "bread" texture
1/2 tsp of cream of tartar (optional)

  1. Preheat your oven to 300F.
  2. Separate your egg whites from your egg yolks.
  3. Add a pinch of salt and baking powder or cream of tartar to your egg whites.
  4. Beat your egg whites until you get hard peaks. Set it aside.
  5. In the bowl with the egg yolks add the cream cheese and beat until smooth.
  6. Take half of the egg yolk mixture and fold it into the egg whites.
  7. Do the same for the next half until all mixed.
  8. On a parchment paper lined cookie sheet drop dollops of the mixture.
  9. Bake for about 25 minutes.
  10. Remove from oven and let it cool on a cooling rack.
  11. Enjoy!
I add a baked egg, a slice of american cheese, and a nitrate free sausage patty between two pieces of oopsie bread and there you have an Oopsie Breakfast Sandwich!

Oopsie bread can substitute biscuits, rolls, or sandwich bread. 

Here's a funny Oopsie bread video.

October 14, 2013

Mediocre to Marvelous: Hoe Downs

Huh? What is a Hoe Down you say? Nope it has nothing to do with the Do si Do or square dancing. It is a blood sugar and carb dropping exercise that I do during commercial breaks. I've learned it's the little things that add up to make the big things. That means if I want to see the weight drop I've got to do a little something everyday.

I've spoken about T-Tapp in the past and attempted to do the 60 day challenge but was unable to because of my knees and other circumstances. HoeDowns are my go to cardio exercise if the day has flashed before my eyes and I haven't worked out. When you watch the video it may not seem like much but believe me you will feel the burn and even maybe break a sweat. I challenge you to do a set!

October 10, 2013

Weight loss is like an unraveling sweater

I'm not sure if that's the best analogy but I'm starting to realize weight loss is causing something to unravel. You find the stray thread at the bottom of the sweater and start to pull. Before you know it the sweater has turned into a pile of yarn. It seems like that's what my weight loss journey is like.

I've learned that some people that you thought were your friends really aren't. People will let you down. I don't think it's their intention I think that is just what happens. My husband always reminds me that if you don't have an expectation for someone they can never let you down. I must heed his advice.

 My perspective has changed on things I guess because my body is changing and things look a bit different now. With one change comes another and another. I've also learned that since I'm slowly getting my act together with my diet and it really comes down to planning. I'm starting to plan in other areas of my life like my finances. Not that it's a bad thing it's just a bit scary.

The sweater continues to unravel because I also have the urge to redo my business plan. Revising my business plan will allow me to truly enjoy running my business and not be a slave to it. I know that doesn't seem like it makes much sense but trust me it makes alot of sense to me. I find that I want to purge alot of stuff and start anew. Have more patience with people who don't "get" me. I can be a bit rough and a brutally honest at times. Most people don't know how to take me.  It' s like a slippery slope folks. I think I want to get off for fear of more changes and life lessons to come. I'm not sure I'm ready for them.

October 9, 2013

Weight Loss Wednesday

My progress is slowing down folks. I haven't been sticking to my October goals like I would have liked to. I guess it's up to me to get back on track huh? I'm just losing steam and motivation again. I must admit I use instagram to get motivated. I found an Instagrammer that is so motivating. Check out @jennashell. She lost a considerble amount of weight is a new motivator for me. Unfortunately, that motivation is not enough. I'm feeling discouraged and a bit sad. I'm sure I will rise above this slump I just feel like wallowing in it a bit. Please excuse me...

October 8, 2013

Tasty Tuesday: Low carb "Fried" Chicken

Welcome to another Tasty Tuesday! Now that I've made the commitment to go Low carb and Gluten Free I've been on the hunt for LC/GF recipes that replace conventional ones. My first attempt was Fried Chicken. This batch can be summed up in one word DE.LI.CIOUS! 
Low Carb Gluten Free "Fried" Chicken

Some of you may turn your nose up at the ingredients but I'm here to say don't knock it till you try it. I never found an actual recipe for how I made it. I took bits and pieces from forums and other recipes and came up with my own.


6 Pieces of chicken with skin (4 legs and 2 thighs)
1/2 bag or 1.75 oz of Crushed Pork Rinds (yep you read that right)
1/2 Tbs Parmesan Cheese (you can actually add more)
2 Tbs Mayonnaise
1/4 tsp Garlic Powder*
1/4 tsp Onion Powder*
1/8 tsp Black Pepper*
1/8 tsp Salt

*The measurements are approximates not exact. Feel free to substitute, add, or remove ingredients.


1. Preheat oven  to 375.
2. Wash and pat your chicken dry
3. Mix all your dry ingredients together except for salt. (I wasn't sure if adding salt would be too much that is why I waited and added it after it was baked.
4. Dip and coat your chicken in mayonnaise. I opted for mayo because it holds the moisture and it already contains oil and eggs. Plus I had more mayo than I did eggs but you can substitute with eggs.
5. Then dip your mayo slathered chicken into the crushed pork rind mixture.
6. Lay out chicken on your (lightly sprayed with oil [I used canola] )baking sheet.
7. Bake for 30-35 minutes or how ever long it takes your oven to get the thickest piece of the chicken to at least 170 degrees.
8. Remove from oven and sprinkle with salt.
9. Enjoy!

If you tried this recipe please let me know how it came out!

October 3, 2013

Updates: Blog changes + design

Hi there! I hope you're having a great week and if you're not this video should put a smile on your face. Besides tomorrow is Friday! Woo Hoo!

I have a few updates to share. First I'm going to make some changes to the blog. I've haphazardly  dabbled with the design but since I'm working on my professional design portfolio I thought I would really spruce up my design. With that being said my blog name (for now) will be "ShopGirl gets Skinny" since I've always wanted a separate blog to document my weight loss journey. You will still be able to access it via erikabydesignblog.blogspot.com so there are no changes there. Just the header sign will be changing. I've taken a hiatus on my main blog ShopGirl Speaks but plan to get back into full swing once I get a handle on my schedule.

Speaking of schedule, my blog schedule here will be the following; Monday's will be Mediocre to Marvelous posts, 2 Tuesdays out of the month will be Tasty Tuesdays which will focus on low carb recipes. Wednesdays will rotate between Wordless and Weight Loss and Friday's will be Fashionable Fridays. I will post any major events that affect my journey on Tuesday's or Thursdays but they may be sprinkled into the main post themes as well.

Let me know if you're interested in seeing anything here, I'd love to hear your suggestions!

October 2, 2013

October 2013 Goals

I was checking my old posts and I found a draft for my October 2011 goals! Yikes! Well now that I am making progress my plan is to be more organized and track my progress. I mean that is the whole purpose of my blog.

So I didn't achieve my goal of being a size 14 like I planned for September. I'm moving that goal to next month. This month I'll have to crawl before I walk and that means acheiving a combination size of a J.Crew 16/18. If I stick to my plan I should be able to achieve that. This is the first time in my journey that I'm actually excited about setting goals. What are your goals for October?

October 1, 2013

Tasty Tuesday: Veggies on a budget

One big complaint with alot of people is that healthy food, specifically vegetables are more expensive than highly processed foods. That was my argument at least. Now that my meals are more low carb than they have been I find that I'm eating more veggies. I challenged myself by planning my meals based on the vegetables that are on sale. Taking this approach has made meal planning easy for me. If you know me you'll know I kinda hate meal planning, so I embrace anything that makes the process easier.

My process:

Thursday the sale flyer for my grocery store is delivered to my inbox and mailbox. I look for the vegetables that are on sale focusing ideally on BOGO veggies. That ensures that I can make at least two dishes with the sale vegetable. Last week I turned a high carb meal to a healthy low carb meal.

Next I determine what recipe I can prepare with that vegetable. If I don't have a particular recipe then I do a google search for low carb recipes that feature that vegetable. I focus on recipes that will contain ingredients I already have at the house.

Lastly I plan my grocery trip. We are doing Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover so we find ways to save. One way we save is on gas, so our shopping trip occurs on Sunday on the way back from church since it's on the way home. We actually pass 2 grocery stores on the way home so if there is something out of stock at store one we stop at store two and not have to go out of our way and waste any gas.

How do you save on healthy foods that are normally expensive?
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