July 28, 2012

Day 11: Pilates & 3 miles with weights

Today I avoided doing the Chalean Extreme Burn Circuit 2 for the Pilates beginner's mat workout and Walk away the pounds 3 miles with weights. I'm bound and determined to get to a size 8 by Thanksgiving! Last year my goal was to go shopping on Black Friday and get a new wardrobe on sale but that never happened. This year it will happen!

July 19, 2012

Day 2: 4 miles

I know there isn't a day one. Yesterday I started a challenge. I read somewhere it takes 21 days to start a habit. I want my habit to be to workout consistently. So yesterday I started working out again after not working out since June. I'm pretty proud of myself for two things sticking it out and completing the 4 mile tape AND waking up to workout! I never do either. I'm trying to do things differently now. I have to say working out first thing sure gives you a sense of accomplishment! Tomorrow I'll post days 1 thru 7 of 21 day workout plan. How are you doing with your fitness routine?

Sums up how I feel

July 17, 2012

I want to change my blog name

I've been pretty absent here on this blog because I've been blogging over at my lifestyle blog Shop Girl Speaks. It's a bit of this and that happening in my life. I have to admit when I first started this blog I thought the name was catchy and it really summed up how I felt about myself at the time. Well times change and I'm honestly tired of my blog name. When I read it, it makes me feel like I'm always hopeful to be that person but will NEVER BE that person. Does that make sense? In my heart I know I will achieve my weight and inch loss in time. How long who knows but I truly believe I WILL achieve my goal. With that being said I would like to change the name to something more direct and positive like... "The ME I'm GONNA be!" Sounds better don't you think?

July 14, 2012

Weight Loss Inspiration: Charlotte Siems

I'm still struggling with my weight, that is nothing new. While I haven't been motivated to do much I haven't gotten to the point of totally giving up. From time to time I get motivated from other people's success at their weight loss journey one person for me has been Charlotte Siems. Charlotte has lost over 100 pounds with T-Tapp!!!

I have to admit I find that when I'm completely discouraged I'll watch this video and somehow it sparks a little motivation in me. She is probably the only weight loss success story that makes me feel that if she can do it so can I. I'm not sure why because she is the mother of 12 and our life stories other than weight loss are different, but something about her journey speaks to me. See the video below.

Who motivates you?
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