August 29, 2011

Office makeover wanted

I must confess,  I love reading blogs! They provide information, inspiration and some much more. With that being said I love the interior design blogs that showcase the latest looks for the home. Looking at the blog photos makes me want to re do my office. Back in 2006 my hubby and I went to my Shangrila to purchase office furniture. My little home based business was growing rapidly and I needed a better storage system. I had to outfit a small 10 x 10 ft bedroom. It was a challenge. I had no floor space but I was fortunate enough to have vertical space. So we he (my hubby) put up shelves and kitchen cabinets in the small little space.

Fast forward to present day, I still don't know how I managed to get all my inventory and craft supplies in that one small room in our old house. In this new house my crafts are in one room and my office (desk, computer is in the dining room). The furniture is a light birch color, yawn. I certainly don't mind it but after looking at these blogs I want an all white office. So I am in the process of saving up to redo my office. Since my office is in the dining room it has to be presentable for when guests come over.

I would like my new desk to have a glass desktop with white enamel legs . And I would like a white wall unit for books and what nots. I would add hot pink peonies for a splash of color! And accent it with my tall silver desk lamps.

{desk, Ikea}

{expedit wall unit, ikea}
{mirrored door insert}
I will post my current office pictures once I sprinkle holy water and get the mail & magazine demons off my desk tidy up a bit. This will be a slow design project so the after picture may take a while to get posted. What does your office look like? What decor inspires you? Post below.

August 28, 2011

Meal Planning Challenge

Happy Sunday all!

I am sitting here on the sofa just lounging and enjoying my last day off before the start of the new week. I have had a challenging few weeks with my weight loss journey. I've fallen off many times because I had food items with many carbs or I've had items that are not allowed on my diet, bread especially.

This week I am going to tackle creating a meal plan. I love planning other aspects of my life but I despise coming up with a meal plan. I'm not sure why I don't enjoy planning my meals. I guess it requires too much thought. Or maybe it reminds me that I have to have a completely different set of meals than my family. I am not sure, all I know is that I don't enjoy it. I was reading Amy's blog and she published her meal plan. It inspired me to challenge myself to create my own meal plan. So I will begin with things that I know will be a constant for me.

Here I go:

Week of 8-29-11 to 9-4-11
breakfast: HB egg with sausage patty
snack 1: Atkin's bar
Lunch: Slice of leftover meatloaf with garden salad
snack 2: 1/2 cup of pistachios
Dinner: Tuna salad alternative with garden salad

breakfast: Egg and sausage omelet
Lunch: Chicken nugget 8pcs
snack 2: pork rinds
Dinner: open

Planning my dinners at times will be a challenge since my hubby makes dinner. I typically "Atkinize" it by adding a salad to the meat portion of his meals and forgo the carb-laden sides.

Okay I've lost interest in completing the rest of this week. I really don't like this challenge. I will complete Tuesday and Wednesday plans tomorrow. I'm spent. Do you have any ideas for creating a meal plan? If you enjoy creating one please share your thoughts below because I am really at a loss for creating one for myself. Thanks in advance! Here's to a great week ahead!!!

August 27, 2011

Shopping: One word... Ugh!

I've never mentioned this but I earned a bachelor's degree in fashion merchandising. I was quite fashionable back in the day. I love fashionable clothing. Some how I've managed to not look so fashionable at my size. I look...presentable at best.

Way back when I looked forward to getting dressed and pairing accessories with my outfit of the moment. Now you're lucky if my clothes are pressed let alone coordinate. Where did my love for shopping for clothing go? Oh yeah, out the window like my waist size. I have to say I LOATHE shopping for clothes now. I don't like trying on clothes in anyone's dressing room. I rather spend the extra gas and try it on at home with the possibility of having to take the item back to the store.

Today my husband, mini Me and I went to this "Shi Shi Foo Foo" area of town that has really upscale "Hoity Toity" type shops. You know the shopping centers where shops are spelled "Shoppes" or "Shop-Pees" like my husband so lovingly calls it. We went there so I could specifically visit the J. McLaughlin store. Much to my chagrin they were closed because of a wedding. Okay so did everyone have to go to the wedding? I'm just saying. Alright I won't be so bitter about it. But I was going there to pick out my "motivating" outfit...preferrably a dress. But they were closed! Ugh.

Anyway, we continued to walk down the shopping "Centre" you know those fancy places rearrange letters because they're "Fanci." Wink wink. We went into a couple shops and store after store I didn't see a size larger than a TWELVE! Yes you read that right folks. A TWELVE! Wow so fat chicks just don't exist in their world whatsoever. How nice.

I am going to restrain myself from going off about fashion and how women over the size of 12 are the forgotten ones yet we make up the majority of the female population. Hmm...why such a disconnect? Is it because they can cash in on more money making us feel "less than" than to actually make clothes *gasp* in our size...the horror!

What do you think? Hop up on the soapbox and express your feelings! I'll start...What is so hard in making a line of preppy clothing for women sizes 14-26? I would like a shift dress to fit over my 42 DDD bra cups! Hell they make spandex pants to fit us, why not a classic shift, shirt, skort? Hmm? Okay I'm going to the gym to burn off the half a hot dog bun I had at Costco. I know, I know I shouldn't of had it...too late. Off to break a sweat!! Don't forget to rant below! ;-)

Motivation: Towards or away from?

You're plugging along with your diet and you hit a plateau...BAM! Or your weight loss journey is not going as "planned" and you lose momentum. What do you do to stay motivated? Or do you completely throw in the towel because you're fed up? We won't talk about giving up just yet. That is another blog post. Let's talk about motivation. A while back I discovered a podcast called "Inside Out Weight Loss" it approached weight loss thru self reflection. It has had a profound impact on my weight loss journey. It set the foundation for me that has helped me adopt and stick to my diet and new way of life.
{image, Personal life media}
In this particular episode Renee talks about towards or away from motivation. What is that you ask? In simple terms it states that towards is the motivation you want to strive to become, like a smaller size. Away from motivation is what you don't want to become, obese, larger than a size 14.

Depending on the day my motivation can be away from or towards. For example, the other evening I was laying in bed watching tv and all of a sudden I started having cravings for something to eat. I knew that I wasn't hungry but it was the after effects of having a dish with pasta. Boy Dr. Atkins wasn't kidding when he said to stay away from carbs like pasta and bread.

Anyway, the cravings to have something to eat were really strong. I went to the kitchen and had a glass of water. That didn't help so I went back to lay down. Laying there I thought to myself, "you're going to go and eat something you shouldn't eat that will satisfy you for 10 minutes. Or you can regain control and not have anything to eat go to bed then have a feast in the morning. What is more important? Eating some type of garbage now and look like the picture in the race car? Or watch the digital scale go down a digit or two in the morning?"

 {my AWAY from motivator}

Needless to say I opted for the second. It was tough. I can't say I overcome the cravings every time because I don't. But the fact that I think about what motivates me really makes a difference. And when I am faced with challenges I always think of what will motivate me more, looking like I do in the race car or finally fitting into the size 6 that I've dreamed of being for over 15 years!

{My TOWARDS motivator, to look like that in a cardi and boatneck}

So what is your motivation strategy? Away from or Towards? Have you thought about it? If so let me know I would love to know what motivates you. I may help me too! Here's to achieving our next goal!!!

August 23, 2011

Dry Brushing

Have you heard of it? Do you know what it is? Well I am here to tell you what it is. First let me start by saying how terrified I was to think that my skin would be loose and flabby as I lost my weight.

{earth therapeutic far reaching back brush}

I know you are probably saying...Erika lose the weight first THEN worry about flabby skin. Well my answer is um NO. I want to ensure that my skin shrinks as my body does and I did some extensive research and I found out about dry brushing. 

Dry brushing is brushing your skin with a natural bristle brush or loofah to promote circulation and lymphatic stimulation in the body. Brushing the entire body with long firm not hard strokes will promote circulation and elimination of toxins in the body. Your skin is the LARGEST organ in the body and a portal for elimination by way of skin sloughing and perspiration. We often overlook taking care of our skin. I mean slapping on some lotion after your shower is not enough. 

Exfoliating the skin by way of dry brushing from what I've read is one of the most effective ways to accomplish the following:

1. Exfoliating the skin
2. Reducing the signs of stretch marks
3. Reducing or eliminating areas where cellulite is present
4. Tightening loose or excess skin.

So I am going to take it upon myself and play human guinea pig to see if I accomplish the same results. I will take some before photos tomorrow and post them next week and I will post each week my results so you can see for yourself if it works or not. I've read that you can begin to see results within 3 weeks. What steps are you taking to ensure you don't have flabby excess skin when you lose the weight? Are you even worried about having loose skin? Post your comment below! Here's to a youthful glow!

August 21, 2011

I'm moving on... the next phase of the Atkins diet plan. I was surfing the web and found an article about 7 mistakes you may be making on your low carb diet. Well I was guilty of 4 of the 7 mistakes! Yikes!!! My original plan was to remain in the Induction phase until I reached 199 pounds. After reading the article I am really doing myself an injustice by staying so long in the initial phase.

I have to admit it was my fear of choosing the wrong foods and slowing down my weight loss progress that prevented me from moving on to the next phase. But I eventually have to figure out what foods I will be able to eat and what foods I must avoid. The sooner I start that phase the better. I have to learn what my carb limit will be...that is what I fear, the trial and error process. Ugh! I don't want to do it. I must if I am going to reach my weight loss goal I guess.

Anyhoo, I'm off to bed. What are your thoughts about being on a diet but your fears are preventing you from moving to the next phase of your diet plan? How are you going to approach the challenge you face? If you have any suggestions please feel free to leave them below. Biting my nails right now. I'm a big girl. I'm a big girl. (Oh yeah I am a big girl...whole reason why I'm here, LOL) I can do this...right?

August 19, 2011

Fashionable Friday: Boatnecks & Cardis & Animal Prints...Oh My!

Happy Friday Fashionistas!!!

I love classic preppy looks and as always J Crew delivers. I am a very casual dresser. Jeans, boatneck tee shirt or blouse and a cardigan or sweater set. Since I have quite a large chest I typically opt for the twinset as opposed to a shirt and blazer. I always feel like a linebacker in women's clothing when i wear a blazer. So I choose the twinset and top it with my signature pearls. One thing I look forward to when I achieve my goal weight is wearing a blazer.

{steve madden shoes, scout bag}

My go to staple shoe is a loafer or ballet flat. I love flats. Whether they're boring or unique I just love em! Heels...I'll pass. Now when I get to my goal weight maybe that will change...but for now gimme FLATS!

So what is your casual style? Post your comments below. Thanks for stopping by. Happy weekend!!!

What is more important? Part Two

In my last post I spoke about priorities and choosing what is more important, losing the weight or eating your favorite foods. While on YOUR journey, have you ever noticed foods that may make you feel a bit off center? Warning! This post requires quite a bit of self reflection. You may find this challenge a bit tough, you are going to have to look at your favorite food from a non bias perspective. You may have to do this exercise more than once but it was an exercise that helped me make wiser food choices. It may help you too.
{Hmm, let me think...}

First think about what you feel like when you feel your best? Do you feel like you can conquer the world? Do you feel like you want to give everyone a hug? What do you feel like? Now think about what you feel like when you’ve over indulged on your favorite foods. Outside of feeling like you are about to pop or throw up, how do you feel otherwise? Do you feel jittery, intoxicated, disoriented, euphoric, lethargic, hungry, thirsty? Is your heart racing? Do you feel out of breath? What are some physical symptoms you are experiencing? Next time you sit down to enjoy your favorite foods jot down how you feel. Physically and emotionally. Taking note on how you feel will be an eye-opening experience. 

Once you’ve taken into account how you feel, now think about how important losing weight is for you? Ask yourself, is it more important to lose the weight and feel better? Or is it more important to satisfy your craving of the moment despite the fact that it may make you feel less than stellar physically? It may sound silly to reflect on how the foods you eat affect you but knowing how your body reacts will help you to achieve and maintain your weight loss. So how do you feel about this post? Too much self reflection? Not enough? Let me know, post below. 

August 17, 2011

What’s more important? Part One

Hello my fellow 2b’ers! My post today is a “Two Parter” folks... I really want to talk about setting your priorities during your weight loss journey. 

Priorities you ask? Yes! Priorities. And I’m not talking about your overall weight loss goal as a priority. I am talking about the little day to day “forks in the road” so to speak  or challenges you will face during your weight loss journey. For example, what is more important for you? Reaching your short term or mini goal weight? Or chowing down on something you really shouldn’t be eating because you inner child feels deprived on your new way of eating. Let me tell you that this will be something you will continue to face, and it is best to face it head on before you more forward with your weight loss journey.

Here is an example of one of the things I’m faced with. I LOVE pizza. Well, being on the Atkins diet that is like fatal death! That’s like telling your uber religious mom...”Hi mom, by the way, I’m a devil worshiper!”...okay that is a bit extreme but you get where Im coming from.  So the challenge is this...accepting the fact that in reality I can no longer eat these foods. Long ago I learned that pizza wreaks havoc on my body when I would eat it. My heart would race, I would feel almost intoxicated, and I just wouldn’t feel quite right. So it started back when I was a teen and pizza from Lil Caesars jump-started my bout with asthma. I know It sounds crazy but to this day I feel there was something in that pizza that set off my new (at the time) chronic illness. So from that point on I chose to no longer eat Lil Caesar’s pizza. Shortly after that I learned that Pizza Hut “Meat-lovers” pizza force me to drink water uncontrollably. I couldn’t get enough and then after that I would pee on controllably. So then Pizza Hut was crossed off my pizza eating list. Eventually all pizza’s including my favorite, Papa Johns was on the ban list. At this point I’ve realized that it is more important for me to feel better than to eat pizza. So my priority is to feel better than to satisfy my inner child for about 10 mins and eat a slice of pizza. Don’t get me wrong I’m still human and on occasion I eat pizza. I mean really who doesn’t love a pizza party? That just screams “Calling all inner children come chow down!” But instead of inhaling 1/2 to 3/4 of a pie of meat lovers pizza I now eat a slice, maybe two of cheese pizza. While on the induction phase its just the cheese no crust. And I gotta admit the cheese is my favorite part anyway. 
My journey to thin has been very educational and enlightening. I’ve chosen to listen to my body more than to please my inner child with foolish life shortening indulgences. I’ve realized that I must make priorities when it comes to my health and my weight loss goals. Part two of this post continues with exploration of foods you may have to “give up” to achieve and maintain your goal weight. Also we'll explore tasty alternatives to avoid feelings of deprivation. Come back to explore and don’t forget to post your comments!

August 14, 2011

I haven't been completely honest...

Ooh did that title grab you? Well I was thinking about my posts regarding my weight loss progress and I've been a bit one-sided. I haven't documented the times when my weight has gone up even if it's 2/10th of a pound. This blog serves as my online documentation of my struggles and triumphs while getting to my goal weight, so that is what I need to provide my readers. Well it isn't fair if you're reading a blog and the author only documents the actual weight loss not her struggles when the weight creeps back on again. So going forward I will also document when my weight goes up and my moments of weakness.

With that being said I have had some major cravings lately, I haven't been drinking enough water, nor taken my multi-vitamins. There I said it! I had pasta yesterday and I shouldn't have. I feel it set off a massive craving campaign that I don't rendered me helpless. One thing I have enjoyed so far on the Atkins diet is that I've had no cravings. In the book Dr Atkins warned his readers to steer clear of eating refined carbs. Even the "its just one bite" thought is a fatal mistake for the Atkins dieter. I should have heeded his advise. I am going to take being on induction more seriously. I've accepted that this is my new way of life since it has allowed me to see the most progress than any other diet I've attempted. So I'm moving forward and staying focused! How do you regain focus when you've gone off your diet? Please leave a comment below. Happy Sunday!

August 13, 2011

Overcoming sabotaging thoughts and a video

I don't know about you but from time to time I have sabotaging thoughts. Sabotaging thoughts are thoughts that sneakily creep up on you when you are progressing along smoothly with positive thoughts and actions. When on a diet or a weight loss regime it's the voice that says "Come on you can have a piece of cake, you've been so good" or "Who are you fooling you're not going to reach your goal weight, give up now this is too much work." Well you CAN overcome and conquer those thoughts.

I love this song and the 80's look La Roux is rocking in the video! My little "Me" told me about this song when we were out bowling in Utah. I love the lyrics. "I'm Bulletproof" I'm not going to let those sabotaging thoughts take over. I'll play this song when I feel like the thoughts are trying to move in and mess me up. What's your strategy for overcoming sabotaging thoughts?

Remember you are who you THINK you are! You are AMAZING!

August 12, 2011

See Banana Republic’s Complete Mad Men Collection

Hello you Fashionistas!

Monday I received this month's Lucky Magazine and there it was, an ad for the MadMen collection at Banana Republic!!!! I don't watch the tv show but I do LOVE fashions from the 50's and 60's! Unfortunately when I went to Banana Republic's website for images there were none. Here are a few images I found on StyleCaster.

The link below will take you to a slideshow of the new collection as well.

See Banana Republic’s Complete Mad Men Collection

Fashion silhouettes from the 50's to about the mid-60's are by far my favorite. Ladies were dressed like ladies and not hookers. I know that statement is a bit harsh but I'm about tired of the skinny jeans, sequin tops, and 6 inch platform hooker stiletos look. I think women can wear clothing that enhances their figure without having to wear something skimpy or too revealing. Let's leave something to the imagination ladies.

I also love 80's preppy...argyle sweaters, Lacoste shirts, Sperry topsider shoes, and Tretorn sneakers, there isn't anything like it!!! What era do your favorite fashions come from? Do you wear them now or will your wear them when you get closer to your goal weight? Post your comments below, I can't wait to see what you post!

August 11, 2011

I want to move!

There I said it! Going out to Utah last week really made an impact on me and how I view life and my health. It was the first time I didn't feel inferior just because I wasn't "skinny." On the contrary, while it seemed like just about everyone was physically fit, it made me want to join in and put on some track shorts, not run and hide. I felt like could CONQUER the world! I was apprehensive that the thinner atmosphere would affect my asthma but it didn't, the air was crisp and clean despite the 90 degree plus temperature. I felt great every moment I was there.

Wouldn't you love to see this view when you go to work? My brother does. Well in the summertime that is. Apparently I was seduced by the summer there. I can't imagine all this pretty covered in snow, but 7 months out of the year this beauty lies dormant under a thick blanket of snow.

See that is the caveat to my idealized vision of the future...SNOW! EEK! I don't care for snow at all. So I've got to figure out how I can have the idyllic bucolic life without the dreaded snow. Help!

A view from the gondola down to the resort where we were staying.

A view of the canyon from the gondola.

So I plan on going back to visit in the winter so I can see if I could deal with the winter there. If I feel that I can, then I think we are going to head out west. I mean you only live once, why not live the life that makes you happy. I think if I moved out west I may find my happiness. What about you? Where do you feel happiest? I would love to know, post a comment below. (Hey that rhymed)

August 9, 2011

Tasty Tuesday: Low Carb Recipe Website

Hey low-carbers! I am plugging along on my atkins/PCOS diet and doing pretty well. A friend of mine who has been a low carber for over a year shared one of the best low carb recipes sites ever!

Low Carb Luxury

This website is chock full of recipes, articles and resources for the low-carb dieter. I am going to have regular blog posts titled "Tasty Tuesdays" and they will feature recipes that I prepare and share with you. Just to let you know many of the recipes I try out may come from this site. I will always let you know the source of the recipe so you know where you can find the information for yourself. So if you are looking for some low carb recipe reviews be sure you check back here on Tuesdays.

August 8, 2011

W1D1 of C25K and SWOT

You may be thinking WTF! Did her fingers lose control on the keyboard when she typed the title? Nope! I completed day 1 of week 1 of the Couch to 5 K program! And I just got home and I feel GREAT! I have attempted to complete one day of the program and could never do it. But today I was able to!!! Yay me!! AND I didn't have to modify the program!!! Woo Hoo!!! I ran a total of 9 minutes!!! There was a time I couldn't WALK for 9 mins!!! I feel I could conquer the world!!! So tomorrow I will do a bit of upper body weight training. I've read many articles that you should alternate your cardio days from your weight training days in order for your body to get a FULL body workout. Just keep that in mind next time you are planning on going to the gym or a home workout.

I know you are thinking "what the!?!?!?" A SWOT analysis may be a regular post for me and I encourage you to do the same.

Here is what it means:

So my SWOT analysis for last week was the following:
Strengths: worked out during my vacation and stuck to my weight loss plan 80% of the time. Lost 2 pounds on vacation!
Weaknesses: McDonalds on travel days this week. Convenience is my weakness. Not drinking enough water another and drinking fruit drinks (big no no).
Opportunities: Prepare more portable convenience foods for traveling and plan the best places to eat while on plan to stay within net carb goal. Drinking more water.
Threats: Birthday cake, and sparkling grape juice brought home after Maddy's birthday at mom's. Poor food planning.

Doing a SWOT analysis may help you identify what is keeping you from achieving your next goal. If you have time just do a quick one of how you did last week? Did you stick to your plan? Did you achieve your goal? Why or why not? It's best to keep a journal so you can see how you progress!!

Best of luck!

Considering a Half Marathon! Yikes!!

I've spent most of today lounging and resting from my whirlwind week of vacation. During my day I spent an extended amount of time on Facebook. It has been a while since I've spent quality time with Facebook. I was constantly refreshing my home page for exciting new updates from friends and fan pages. Then I saw it...the post from the Couch to 5K program. They posted: "Click 'Like' if you're running a half marathon this fall." Then I followed the link they posted for the top 7 marathons and there it was...a half marathon less than an hour away! I have to say that I have been itching to do a half marathon at Disney World but I never had the guts to train or sign up. But I was just thinking today that I need to start working on a running plan if I am to become a runner. A runner is one of the "Me's" I want to be by the way.

Back to the half marathon, it will be held on Wednesday, November 30th at 6:30am. <Record scratch> Wait! I didn't see that...6:30 AM??? Oh heck no! Okay, okay I've got to think a bit differently if I am going to lose this weight. So with that being said I will start the C25K program tomorrow to get the ball rolling. You can find that program here if you are interested in a running program for the physically challenged. They also have an iPhone app if you are interested in having a guide to help you keep track of your time. Keeping you up on what I am doing with the C25K program will be a regular blog post for me. I haven't decided what day I will post but I will let you know. Okay I am off to bed. Here is to a great week for all of you ME 2B'ers out there!!!

August 4, 2011

I need to go on vacation more often!

Hello all!

This blog post will be a bit short. I am still on vacation. We just got back from Park City, Utah for my brother's wedding. All I can say is when can we move! That place is unbelievable! Clean crisp air and people who take pride in personal health! Uh oh, I've used too many exclamation points and I've only written a handful of sentences. I have to say I felt GREAT when was there! It really makes a difference when your environment is conducive to losing weight and great health. The reason for my blog post is that I did my morning weigh in and I am 226.6 pounds! Woo Hoo!! Now is not the time for me to tell you that I had McDonald's QPC AND fries...yes fries yesterday. Yep I did. I was hungry and I had had my last Atkin's Advantage bar. So it was Mikey D's. I drank water though. And while on vacay I worked out at the gym in addition to taking every opportunity to walk around the sprawling resort's campus. So now we are off to Orlando for a fun filled birthday weekend for my little Me who turns 7 Saturday. I'll try to tweet while I'm away. But I will post my next blog post on Sunday when we return. Gotta get the laundry before we go. Have a great weekend!
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