January 31, 2013

Gotta change

I hope your week is going well. Mine is filled with deadlines and figure drawings. Ah the joys of school! So I mentioned in a previous post that I was going to join the T-Tapp 60 Day Challenge. Unfortunately my knee doesn't want to participate. I haven't mentioned it here but back in September my knee became really swollen and never really went back to normal size. It snap, crackles, and pops like the cereal and I have to take it easy with certain exercises. So I'm going to for go doing the boot camp and do the basic workout plus.

My new routine will look like this:

3x a week T-Tapp Basic Workout Plus
2x a week Beginner's Yoga
2-4x a week walking on the treadmill

I've also celebrated a milestone this week...I'm down in the teens!!! I've been hovering in the 220's for a while and I've finally made it to the teens!! Yay!! How did I lose it you ask? I've lowered my caloric intake, pack my lunch, and I drink tea and alot of water. My new go to drink is Ginger Tea by Yogi Tea. Have you had that? It is delish! It has peppermint and BLACK PEPPER in it! Who woulda thunk it huh? I'm still listening to Paul McKenna every night and it continues to reinforce my new mindset.

How's you're journey progressing? Post below.

January 25, 2013

Weight loss Progress

Happy Friday!!

I've postponed my Fashionable Friday post so I can post my weight loss updates. I won't do it every week but maybe once a month. Since I'm doing the T-Tapp 60 day Challenge I wanted to be able to see where I've started and where I'll end up. I've been keeping track of my progress on my iPad in the Notes app. I like taking my iPad to gym so I can catch up on my soaps and shows while I'm on the treadmill. I figured since I have my iPad with me I can record my progress there as well.

Here goes:

Goal Measurements:
Bust: 36" 
Waist: 29"
Hips: 39"

December 15, 2012
Bust: 50.5"
Waist: 44.5"
Hips: 47

January 20, 2013
Bust: 49"
Waist: 43.5"
Hips: 46

So I've lost a total of 3.5" in 1 month and from December to January it was strictly following the principles of Paul McKenna's book and nothing else.

Inches left to lose:
Bust: 13"
Waist: 14.5"
Hips: 7"

I personally like tracking inch loss instead of weight loss. My philosophy is that the number on the scale will not determine if I'll be able to fit into those size 8 skinny jeans or not. Plus 34.5" is a more attainable number than 100 pounds! Don't cha think!?! How's your progress going?

January 21, 2013

Promise yourself this one thing...

You will commit to your health. I know baby steps is such a cliche but in my experience that is how I've been able to achieve anything. Taking baby steps is the best way to overcome that all or nothing mentality. You see I suffered from AON (All or Nothing) syndrome and it got me to Nowheresville. Have you been there? You should have seen me there.

You ask how can you commit to your health? It's easy it doesn't have to be difficult at all. Here are somethings that can help you commit to your health;

Ask yourself if eating that food item is worth it (calories, points, mental state). It will all depend on your situation. Sometimes it may be, sometimes it may not.

What will are the consequences of eating that food item? Euphoria knowing you ate something that was good for you? Pain because its something you're allergic to but you're willing to deal with the pain just to have seconds of taste. Guilt? Do you like feeling bad for eating something you knew was not the best choice?

What ONE thing can you do today to improve your health? Take a walk, drink water, take a multi-vitamin, eat a serving of veggies or fruits, have breakfast, walk in place for 15 mins.

What does healthy look like to you? I'm not talking about what the media portrays as "healthy." I'm talking about what does healthy look like to YOU? A size 12? Eating raw foods? Preparing for a 5K? Think about it, once you establish what it looks like next step will be, how do you get there? Write down the steps. Now do it! See, you're well on your way!

There's much to think about. Let me know the ONE thing you can do today to commit to your health.

January 20, 2013

@TTappWorkout 60 Day Challenge

After much consideration I've decided to join the T-Tapp 60 Day Challenge. Last year I was unable to join because I found out about it too late. I promised myself that the following year I would join so I'm going for it. There are various categories available.

I'm going to join the Under 50, More to Lose category since I have more than 4 dress sizes to lose. I'm presently a loose size 18 and I would like to be a 6 by the end of the year. My goal is to lose 4 dress sizes by the end of the challenge which would put me at a size 10. Just in time for Easter! It would be a dream to walk into church on Easter Sunday wearing a size 10 Lilly Pulitzer dress!

My plan of action will be to do the following:

14 day Bootcamp
Non T-Tapp days do 30-45 minutes on the treadmill
Follow the God-made/ManMade eating plan.

Want to join me? T-Tapp will change your life!

Remember when I told you about Charlotte Siems? She did T-Tapp. Here's her story.

Learn more about T-Tapp.
Follow T-Tapp on Twitter.

January 18, 2013

Setting a Mental Foundation

We interrupt our regularly schedule Fashionable Friday for this PSA.

Have you laid down a solid mental foundation? You're probably wondering what in the world is that. I thought to myself today, what makes my weight loss more effective now than it has been in the past. The only difference I see is the mental foundation I've set for myself.

In the past I've started and stopped a diet because of a pleathora of reasons. One thing I never established was a good foundation. That foundation was my mindset going into the diet.

Years ago I worked for a weight loss company and the belief instilled in the clients were the 3 M's

If you didn't have the right mindset your weight loss journey was going to be a difficult one. Your mindset I think is the most important element in any weight loss journey. Actually it is the most important component when doing anything really. How many times were you faced with something and either got really excited, really scared, or whatever at the onset? Your thought's laid the foundation for the outcome of what you were facing. It's the same with weight loss.

In the past when I started a new diet I was so "pumped" because I knew I was going to finally reach my goal weight! This time was IT! I'm doing this I'm going to be a size 4!!! At least that's what I said on the "outside." But on the "inside" there was a completely different conversation happening. Honestly in the back of my mind my inner voice was like "Who are you fooling? You know you'll continue to be fat and appear to be happy. You'll never lose that weight." I believed that voice. I didn't tell her to take a hike because she was WRONG. I just let her hang around and whisper garbage in my ear. Are you allowing that inner voice to sabotage your goals? If you are here's some ways to stop that.

1. Write a response to those negative mental comments. Read them daily. So when that nasty inner voice pops up saying. "You'll never lose that weight", you can reply...Who says? I'm eating better and exercising more consistently. I will see weight loss with that behavior. Yeah you're having a conversation with yourself but don't you anyway? Don't be defeated by negative self talk.

2. Write down your goals. Doesn't matter how far fetched you think they may be. Just breakdown your goals to clear and concise components. Keep it Simple Sweetie!

3. Read these goal allowed every morning when you wake up and every night before you go to bed. Practice makes perfect.

4. Get to work on achieving your goals. Never underestimate the power of the babystep. It goes a long way!

5. Imagine yourself already achieving your goal. How does it make you feel? Great I hope.

6. Live the life of the person you WANT to become. Does the person you want to become eat healthily? Exercise regularly? Helps others? Has an awesome career? Be that person.

Those are some simple steps I've found that helped me this time around. I actually began to make changes to my lifestyle therefore finally losing weight. What steps do you follow to establish a good mental foundation for success?

January 14, 2013

How does your food make you feel?

I ask that question because I just finished my breakfast and it wasn't what you'd call the "typical" breakfast.

I had:
Baked eggs (my fave style eggs)
50/50 salad which contained, white onions, salt and pepper, garlic powder, and olive oil.

I ate it before I was able to snap a pic of it. You'll have to settle for the image above. Next time I'll snap a pic, promise.

Something about my eggs and green salad breakfast always makes me feel great. You see ever since I've been listening to Paul McKenna the way I eat has seriously changed. I don't eat "mindlessly" anymore. You know, mindlessly, you eat your entire meal and before you know it it's gone. You don't really remember eating it. You don't savor the meal you're about to eat, you just vacuum it off your plate. That ever happen to you? Well for me things are different now. I take time to savor and enjoy my meal. I put my fork down and enjoy every bite, reminding myself I'm using a fork NOT a shovel!

I love that this breakfast doesn't make me feel bloated, gassy or plain old uncomfortable. I truly hate that feeling. The older I've become the less tolerant my body has been to the foods I consume. Now I take great care to listen to my body and allow it to tell me what it really needs not what my brain thinks I want. Taking this approach has really changed my life.

Here are some more changes I've experienced;
I drink at least 2 cups of green tea daily (because I want to y'all!)
I stopped consuming dairy (no more cheese or milk, eggs yes, duh) I am lactose intolerant (I almost typed Lacoste, jeez what's on my mind...oh yeah shopping!)
I limit breads/pastas to about 4-5 times per week. I'm still working on my weakness for breaded meats. Damn Zaxby's why must you be so good?!

Making better food choices has helped me tremendously! Now I don't have to unbutton my pants or jeans just to breathe therefore avoiding those painful whelp marks on my abdomen. My stomach doesn't start churning or hurting. I feel "light" plus the added value of being proud of the better food choices I've made.

I've lost a couple more pounds in the last week or so. It's slow but it's progress.

My question to you is, What foods make you feel good afterwards? Post below I would love some suggestions!


January 11, 2013

Fashionable Friday: Back School Style

Well I'm back in school starting off the Spring semester. Only one more year to go! Woo Hoo! Since it's still pretty cold in my neck of the woods (not as cold as most places this time of year) I thought I would share an outfit that is "So me."

It's all about the pearls! You gotta keep it classy!!

January 9, 2013

January 7, 2013

January 5, 2013

Lots of work to do

Happy Sunday!

Yesterday I participated in a #blogbrunch discussion on Twitter. The topic was Branding 101 for your blog. Wow my head is still spinning! Have you participated in a Twitter party? Well let me tell you I wasn't prepared like I thought I was. I should have had my answers prepared like the guidelines suggested. Anyway, I took away quite a bit of useful information from other bloggers.

One of my problems is that I can never settle on a design or even the name of my blog. Although I'm much happier with my new name than I was with my old. With that being said you'll still see my posts about my weight loss journey, but I will also include what inspires me and how to I can improve myself instead of the typical ranting and complaining. Ha, ha I'm sure some of you will be happy not to hear me whine.

If you want to take your blog to the next level and learn more on how to improve your blog check out Blog Brunch website and Facebook page. I'm bound and determined that 2013 will be a much better year than these previous years. Are you with me? Do you agree that 2013 is YOUR year?

January 4, 2013

Fashionable Friday: More Stripes

If you didn't know by now I LOVE stripes. Especially striped boat neck tops by Land's End, St. James, J. Crew, or the like. I found this shot on Pinterest and I plan on looking like this in my stripe top by year's end...thigh gap and all! Yeah I said it...thigh gap! ;-)

January 3, 2013

Making the shift

School starts Monday and I have to say that I'm quite excited to return. At least most of me is. The other part of me, I would say 20% is a bit apprehensive. Why you ask, well because I've been unemployed for over a year and making a shift to a new career and way of life is a bit scary.

Like most of us I'm used to clocking in and out for someone else. While I hated that life it was predictable and "easy" for the most part. I knew I would get a paycheck every 2 weeks on Thursday. Before I lost my job I had my entire year of paychecks planned out. It was nice. My work environment wasn't though.

As I return to school I reflect on why I chose this new career path. I'm in school for Graphic Design. I've longed to be a graphic designer for as long as my daughter has been on the planet...8 years. I was chicken, intimidated, and had MAJOR feelings of inadequacy when I thought about making the career change. Prior to receiving the scholarship to return to school I was faced with attempting to re-enter a field of work that I truly had no interest in. I'd been in retail for over 25 years and I kinda know the industry like the back of my hand. That didn't mean that I wanted to return to it. Long hours, management who knew less than you do, and just an all around thankless job.

I wanted a career with more meaning, a career that allowed me to use my creativity plus my love of craft and design. The unfortunate or should I say the most challenging aspect of this new career venture is the unpredictability. I would be a freelance designer which allows me to be my own boss, but also means financial irregularity & unpredictability. I ask myself if I'm ready for this leap (I'm still quite scared) and I'm proud to say that I am. I'm facing new challenges in my life but it's something I think I can manage.

Are you in a career that has elements of uncertainty? How do you handle it?

January 2, 2013

Workspace Wednesday: White Pink & Green

I just love workspaces and this one is hands down my favorite. I thought I would start 2013 with this fabulous workspace!

Another view of the workspace:

January 1, 2013

Successful People

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Let's get this year started off on the right foot!!!
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