January 18, 2013

Setting a Mental Foundation

We interrupt our regularly schedule Fashionable Friday for this PSA.

Have you laid down a solid mental foundation? You're probably wondering what in the world is that. I thought to myself today, what makes my weight loss more effective now than it has been in the past. The only difference I see is the mental foundation I've set for myself.

In the past I've started and stopped a diet because of a pleathora of reasons. One thing I never established was a good foundation. That foundation was my mindset going into the diet.

Years ago I worked for a weight loss company and the belief instilled in the clients were the 3 M's

If you didn't have the right mindset your weight loss journey was going to be a difficult one. Your mindset I think is the most important element in any weight loss journey. Actually it is the most important component when doing anything really. How many times were you faced with something and either got really excited, really scared, or whatever at the onset? Your thought's laid the foundation for the outcome of what you were facing. It's the same with weight loss.

In the past when I started a new diet I was so "pumped" because I knew I was going to finally reach my goal weight! This time was IT! I'm doing this I'm going to be a size 4!!! At least that's what I said on the "outside." But on the "inside" there was a completely different conversation happening. Honestly in the back of my mind my inner voice was like "Who are you fooling? You know you'll continue to be fat and appear to be happy. You'll never lose that weight." I believed that voice. I didn't tell her to take a hike because she was WRONG. I just let her hang around and whisper garbage in my ear. Are you allowing that inner voice to sabotage your goals? If you are here's some ways to stop that.

1. Write a response to those negative mental comments. Read them daily. So when that nasty inner voice pops up saying. "You'll never lose that weight", you can reply...Who says? I'm eating better and exercising more consistently. I will see weight loss with that behavior. Yeah you're having a conversation with yourself but don't you anyway? Don't be defeated by negative self talk.

2. Write down your goals. Doesn't matter how far fetched you think they may be. Just breakdown your goals to clear and concise components. Keep it Simple Sweetie!

3. Read these goal allowed every morning when you wake up and every night before you go to bed. Practice makes perfect.

4. Get to work on achieving your goals. Never underestimate the power of the babystep. It goes a long way!

5. Imagine yourself already achieving your goal. How does it make you feel? Great I hope.

6. Live the life of the person you WANT to become. Does the person you want to become eat healthily? Exercise regularly? Helps others? Has an awesome career? Be that person.

Those are some simple steps I've found that helped me this time around. I actually began to make changes to my lifestyle therefore finally losing weight. What steps do you follow to establish a good mental foundation for success?

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