January 21, 2013

Promise yourself this one thing...

You will commit to your health. I know baby steps is such a cliche but in my experience that is how I've been able to achieve anything. Taking baby steps is the best way to overcome that all or nothing mentality. You see I suffered from AON (All or Nothing) syndrome and it got me to Nowheresville. Have you been there? You should have seen me there.

You ask how can you commit to your health? It's easy it doesn't have to be difficult at all. Here are somethings that can help you commit to your health;

Ask yourself if eating that food item is worth it (calories, points, mental state). It will all depend on your situation. Sometimes it may be, sometimes it may not.

What will are the consequences of eating that food item? Euphoria knowing you ate something that was good for you? Pain because its something you're allergic to but you're willing to deal with the pain just to have seconds of taste. Guilt? Do you like feeling bad for eating something you knew was not the best choice?

What ONE thing can you do today to improve your health? Take a walk, drink water, take a multi-vitamin, eat a serving of veggies or fruits, have breakfast, walk in place for 15 mins.

What does healthy look like to you? I'm not talking about what the media portrays as "healthy." I'm talking about what does healthy look like to YOU? A size 12? Eating raw foods? Preparing for a 5K? Think about it, once you establish what it looks like next step will be, how do you get there? Write down the steps. Now do it! See, you're well on your way!

There's much to think about. Let me know the ONE thing you can do today to commit to your health.

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