October 20, 2011

Out of control: Cheating to the extreme

Oy vey! I don't even know where to begin but I've been in a downward spiral. I've been binging on sugar and carbs for most of this month. I have to say this past month at work has been unbelievably stressful. I found myself going to my happy place. You're going to laugh when I tell you how I go to my happy place while at work. First I pray. I learned a while back (while I was in the ICU for severe asthma) the power of prayer. I still believe to this day that prayer was the reason why I got better.

Back to my happy place. I will google Park City, Utah because I felt my best there. I will just scroll through Google images of downtown and that puts a smile on my face. That's how I get happy. Another way is to comfort myself with food. I've found myself making very poor food choices. Choices that have included refined white carbs...sugar, white flour, and white potatoes.

It's time for me to re-group. I have only 5 weeks until my Black Friday shopping excursion and I'm not remotely close to being at a goal size of 12 or 14. So I have to make a serious effort at my workout plan and my meal plan...yeah that non-existent plan I keep talking about. On a brighter note I went shopping last weekend with my husband and I tried on a pair of size 18 jeans at old navy and THEY WERE TOO BIG!!! Yay!!! I guess I may be closer than I thought.

Tell me how do you stick to a plan or goal? Please post below. Thanks!

October 17, 2011

At the end of the day isn't it really about inches lost?

Hi everyone. I know it's been a long while since I've posted anything. I hope you're lives are going well. Mine has been a series of uphill and downhill struggles. But I cope...I guess like most of us do. Lately, well honestly for the last few months I've been pretty discouraged with my weight loss progress.

I'm discouraged because while I've lost weight the inches haven't gone anywhere.Then I thought to myself...If I could just lose the inches I don't think losing the weight is that important.  I made a half hearted attempt at isometric resistance training and didn't stick with it. I find it very hard to stick with a weight loss program or regime.

How about you? Have you been successful with an exercise regime? What do you do to stick to a regime? I am having an unbelievably hard time sticking to something because I don't see results fast enough.

What's a girl to do? I hope you have a great week.

October 10, 2011

Another facet of me

Hello all. I hope you had a great weekend! I have to say visiting Magic Kingdom on it's 40th birthday didn't disappoint. The fireworks were amazing and we were able to score a commemorative park map only given out on that day! Would you believe I did an ebay search for the 40 anniversary guide map and found this auction listing! Holy Smokes! Can you believe that? Um we got our map for FREE from the cast member at the front gate. I never found my bracelet and I looked and looked. Oh well.

So I wanted to talk about another facet of becoming the Me I want to Be. While my blog up until this point primarily focused on my weight loss journey, the road to becoming the person I want to be is more than just weight loss. The next big challenge for me are my finances. It's a part of my life that keeps me up or prevents me from going to sleep because just like weight loss I can't seem to control myself. So I'm putting myself out there letting you know that I am a hot mess when it comes to my finances. My journey to improve my finances will begin with my attempt to save a portion of my paycheck. I am working on a long term plan. Can you say...Challenging? Well we'll see how things go.

Happy Monday!!!

October 1, 2011

Happy Birthday Magic Kingdom!!!

Today marks the 40th anniversary the grand opening of the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida!! To celebrate MK's birthday my high school bestie, hubby, and mini ME are headed down for the festivities! This is a special trip for my bestie and me because we share the same birth year as our favorite place on the planet!

I'm on a mission to find this piece of arm candy while I'm there!

I think the saying renews my motivation..."Have faith in your dreams."

What are you doing this weekend? Post below...Have a great weekend!!

Fashionable Friday: Refined with a Wild Side

When it comes to fashion I love style but what's most important for me is comfort. Flats and a knit dress are my speed. I would finish off the look with something monogrammed, I think this necklace would do the trick!

Happy Friday!!!
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