About Me

Thanks for taking the time to find out a bit about me. I am a 40 year old woman who can't believe she is 40, and I'm not in the "place" I want to be.

When I was younger I always thought when I turn 40 I would be:
  • Thin, ideally a size 4/6
  • Financially stable
  • Entrepreneur with a successful business
  • Have excellent credit
  • Have my student loans at least half way paid off.
  • Live in my dream house
  • Travel the world each year

Okay so ask me if I have any of that...well I don't. So back in 2008 I RE-started my weight loss journey for the umteenth time. My weight struggle is the bane of my existence. I have tried and failed at many, many, many...did I mention MANY? Diets. I feel that once I accomplish that weight loss hurdle I can accomplish anything else I set my mind to. For example, that list above.

Like most people who have struggled with their weight I've conquered at the weight loss game and failed. I've done Nutri-System at 19, lost 45 pounds got down to that size 4 only to gain all the weight back and then some by the time I was 24. At 24 I did Weight Watchers and lost 30 pounds. I found that weight and then went to Jenny Craig and I lost 30 pounds and found it again and then some. So here I am morbidly obese at 236 pounds and I have to lose 100 pounds to get to the weight that is most healthy for me and that is 136 pounds.

Here I am at Disney on my birthday June 2009. It looks like they packed me in that racecar. I hate that picture.

So I started this blog back in 2009 to document my journey to thin...to shed my fat suit so to speak. My blog will be a bit of this and that. Not only will you find weight loss journal notes, but anything that is happening in my world and how it affects me.

I thank you for allowing me to share my journey with you. I hope you can share your journey with me, I find it comforting and inspirational to hear from you. Let's do this because we can!
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