August 27, 2011

Motivation: Towards or away from?

You're plugging along with your diet and you hit a plateau...BAM! Or your weight loss journey is not going as "planned" and you lose momentum. What do you do to stay motivated? Or do you completely throw in the towel because you're fed up? We won't talk about giving up just yet. That is another blog post. Let's talk about motivation. A while back I discovered a podcast called "Inside Out Weight Loss" it approached weight loss thru self reflection. It has had a profound impact on my weight loss journey. It set the foundation for me that has helped me adopt and stick to my diet and new way of life.
{image, Personal life media}
In this particular episode Renee talks about towards or away from motivation. What is that you ask? In simple terms it states that towards is the motivation you want to strive to become, like a smaller size. Away from motivation is what you don't want to become, obese, larger than a size 14.

Depending on the day my motivation can be away from or towards. For example, the other evening I was laying in bed watching tv and all of a sudden I started having cravings for something to eat. I knew that I wasn't hungry but it was the after effects of having a dish with pasta. Boy Dr. Atkins wasn't kidding when he said to stay away from carbs like pasta and bread.

Anyway, the cravings to have something to eat were really strong. I went to the kitchen and had a glass of water. That didn't help so I went back to lay down. Laying there I thought to myself, "you're going to go and eat something you shouldn't eat that will satisfy you for 10 minutes. Or you can regain control and not have anything to eat go to bed then have a feast in the morning. What is more important? Eating some type of garbage now and look like the picture in the race car? Or watch the digital scale go down a digit or two in the morning?"

 {my AWAY from motivator}

Needless to say I opted for the second. It was tough. I can't say I overcome the cravings every time because I don't. But the fact that I think about what motivates me really makes a difference. And when I am faced with challenges I always think of what will motivate me more, looking like I do in the race car or finally fitting into the size 6 that I've dreamed of being for over 15 years!

{My TOWARDS motivator, to look like that in a cardi and boatneck}

So what is your motivation strategy? Away from or Towards? Have you thought about it? If so let me know I would love to know what motivates you. I may help me too! Here's to achieving our next goal!!!

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