August 23, 2011

Dry Brushing

Have you heard of it? Do you know what it is? Well I am here to tell you what it is. First let me start by saying how terrified I was to think that my skin would be loose and flabby as I lost my weight.

{earth therapeutic far reaching back brush}

I know you are probably saying...Erika lose the weight first THEN worry about flabby skin. Well my answer is um NO. I want to ensure that my skin shrinks as my body does and I did some extensive research and I found out about dry brushing. 

Dry brushing is brushing your skin with a natural bristle brush or loofah to promote circulation and lymphatic stimulation in the body. Brushing the entire body with long firm not hard strokes will promote circulation and elimination of toxins in the body. Your skin is the LARGEST organ in the body and a portal for elimination by way of skin sloughing and perspiration. We often overlook taking care of our skin. I mean slapping on some lotion after your shower is not enough. 

Exfoliating the skin by way of dry brushing from what I've read is one of the most effective ways to accomplish the following:

1. Exfoliating the skin
2. Reducing the signs of stretch marks
3. Reducing or eliminating areas where cellulite is present
4. Tightening loose or excess skin.

So I am going to take it upon myself and play human guinea pig to see if I accomplish the same results. I will take some before photos tomorrow and post them next week and I will post each week my results so you can see for yourself if it works or not. I've read that you can begin to see results within 3 weeks. What steps are you taking to ensure you don't have flabby excess skin when you lose the weight? Are you even worried about having loose skin? Post your comment below! Here's to a youthful glow!


  1. Yes! I am worried about this...I am a little squishy. Looking forward to seeing how your experiment works!

  2. Hi Elizabeth! I kinda rubbed myself raw the other night...youch! But I must say that my skin is much softer and smoother. Thanks for checking out my blog! :-)


Thanks for taking the time out to comment. Come back real soon!

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