January 9, 2012

My Goals for 2012

I don't know about you but I've been inspired to list my goals for 2012. After reading blog after blog of goals for the new year I was compelled to join in. I have to warn you that my goals aren't pretty, frilly, nor have they been spritz with rose water. My goals are gritty and probably a bit too personal but what the hey my blog is about ME! It's a long post so sit a spell...here goes:

My most important goals (what I look forward to achieving) for 2012: 

1. Not to have my thighs stick together when I walk or do anything for that matter.

2. Lose massive amounts of inches in my bust. 14 inches to be exact. The memorable Christmas gifts for 2011 were two Wacoal bras in size...ready for this? 40H!!!!!!! I was glad it wasn't 40Z. Because they feel that large!

3. Go down to a size 9M shoe. I'm tired of looking down to see Sasquatch feet!

4. Have a firm smooth butt. My butt isn't as cottage cheesy as alot of women but I want it to be smoother.

5. Get rid of the 4 back boobs that currently reside above my stretch-mark laden hips. I loathe those fat sacks back there!

6. To feel warm skin on back boobs featured in #5. I'm so tired of the skin on the sides of my upper back feeling cold to the touch. Ugh!

7. Complete a mile in 10 mins...aka to become a runner. I know a runner does a mile faster than that but baby steps people, baby steps.

8. Lose my Buddha belly. It would require 18 inches to disappear. Don't get me wrong the belly looks better on Buddha not me.

9. Purchase & be able to fit this Lulu Lemon Hoodie or Fitted jacket. I drool every time I walk in that store and I can't wait for the day to walk in and buy one of those bad girls!

10. Attend the EVO' 2012 Conference in Park City, UT. This blogger's conference features a wide selection of topics that I want to learn more about. I want to further enrich my knowledge therefore  improving my blog. It's being held in the same hotel where I stayed last year for my brother's wedding so I'm looking forward to attending.

I'm attending Evo 11
11. Become a more active "Blogi-lite." Hey that's my way of saying "Blog socialite" and visit as well as comment on other blogs. Right now I'm a lurker. Well I do visit my buddy Jane. Hi Jane!

12. I've been thinking about this and I am ready to do it this year and that is to become a certified Zumba instructor! I have to wear my new Lulu clothes somewhere. In all seriousness I want to be able to maintain my weight loss and I feel if I had a career in fitness it will help me to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

13. Being present. Many times I find myself wishing it was some time in the future or lamenting on the past. I want to relish the moment and be happy for my blessings instead of complaining about what I don't have.

14. Be able to sustain my family by working for myself. That means diversifying my income. I'll talk about that in another post.

Alright I think that is more than enough to accomplish this year. I could go on but I want to succeed not fail so I will quit while I'm ahead. I'll be pretty busy this year working on those goals. How about you? What are your goals for this year? If you've already posted them on your blog please leave the link to your goals in the comments section so I can read and reply.

Thanks for taking the time to visit! And all the best on your successful journey in 2012!


  1. Fantastic goals Erika, I know you can achieve all of them :)

    A Lulu Lemon store recently opened at my local shopping haunt and I am drooling along with you and can't wait to wear some of their stuff. I have been putting away $10 per kilo that I lose so by the end of my journey I will definitely be having a splurge in Lulu!

    Zumba, I love Zumba, it is so much fun. How exciting for you to be an instructor WOW what a goal and again, I know you can do it. Zumba also have their own range of clothing which I am sure you will fall in love with. Actually I haven't seen a Zumba instructor wear anything but Zumba stuff - I wonder if they have to?

    You are certainly back on track and 2012 IS going to be your year! xx

  2. Thanks for your sweet words Jane! You certainly help keeping me motivated! To your point about Zumba instructors wearing only Zumba stuff...you may be right you may have to only wear Zumba stuff. Hmmm I will have to find out.


Thanks for taking the time out to comment. Come back real soon!

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