January 12, 2012

Making the shift

Hello all. {Warning this is a long post because I feel chatty} So I am getting used to life as a self-employed woman. It's quite a challenge because I suffer (such a harsh word) from ADD and I have a difficult time focusing on tasks I've assigned myself for the day. I am a HARDCORE list writer. I walk around with notebooks so I can constantly write down my thoughts. My notebooks contain many lists, many, many, many lists. I even have a special notepad that I purchased back when I worked for kate spade.


Ain't it cute? I have a few pads of this and another style. We received a generous discount so I had to invest in paper. Getting sidetracked, oops! 

Back to my dilemma. I find it challenging to stay on task when there is SO much I have to do to maintain our home. I don't know how some WAH mom's do it. Honestly I pray for the ability to focus on something so I can accomplish anything that day. I was told by a friend today that I had too many things on my list and that I needed to cut it down. I thought having 8 items wasn't long at all. I managed to move 3 tasks for another day. But get this the remaining 5 items left still haven't been done! I know. Welcome to my life! I honestly don't know where my day goes. I did manage to start PUSH today. The first day is the most challenging because Chalene requires you to set your priorities. Have I mentioned that is one of my weakest areas? So I'm working on that tonight. Today's to do list will be moved over to tomorrow. 

Alright BACK to the original reason for this post. Learning to make the shift from employee to self employed. I've longed for the day I'd have the opportunity to work for myself. I wrote my desire to be self-employed in just about every journal entry. Well the day is here and I'm like a deer caught in headlights...WTH?!?!?!? I feel like God has given me this opportunity and I feel like I'm blowing it. I really have a hard time managing my time. 

How do you manage your time? Do you find you accomplish what you set out to do for the day? I really don't want to have to get a job. I feel I have enough resources here at home that will allow me to take care of my family. BUT WHY AM I NOT DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT?!?!? I guess only I know the answer. Duh. Tomorrow is a new day and tonight I am going to make a change and begin preparing for tomorrow. That is what I would do if I worked for someone else. Guess I need to do it for myself huh? 

>>>>>>>>>>We interrupt our regular programming for a Happy Distraction!<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Look at what this talented blogger made. She was inspired by my favorite kate spade purse of all time. The Owl bag!!!
What an amazing job she did! You can check out her tutorial here.

Alright I'm getting distracted again! Please tell me what do you do to stay on track? Please share your wisdom below. Thanks!

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