January 6, 2012

Fashionable Friday: Arm Candy

Well the first week of the new year is now coming to a close...only 51 more weeks left. How are you doing with your goals and plans for the new year? Me? Um lets just say I look forward to a new day everyday! ;-)

So today I was thinking about what I should post for my fashionable Friday post and I wasn't inspired by any outfit or article of clothing. I was reading Alex's blog and she was modeling the most adorable bag I've seen in a while, at least in my opinion. It's the Prada Galleria Bag take a look at this beauty.

It's available in various colors but the orange just speaks to me...doesn't it to you? ;-) If you know anything about me when im not obsessing over my weight I am obsessing over handbags. I've loved handbags for as long as I can remember. I know preschool age at least. I will spend as much as I can on a designer bag. Because you know what? No matter how fat I get a bag ALWAYS fits! ;-)

So what do you obsess about? Post your fashion obsessions below I would love to hear er read them! Happy weekend!


  1. Shoes, shoes and shoes - I love them. Unfortunately I have a wardrobe of shoes that I currently can't wear cause my feet expanded along with my waistline. Someday soon I will be wearing those shoes again :)

    I love your bag philosophy that it will always fit, I actually laughed out loud reading that. I think when I get some new outfits, I will definitely be getting some new arm candy too :)

  2. I have to admit shoes are not that big of a deal to me not like purses. My feet are wide and flat and a size 10. So when I go shoe shopping and the display is a cute size 7 and then the clerk brings my size 10 the shoe looks like the manufacturer lost interest in making the shoe and is just down right ugly in a size 10. I'm also looking forward to losing weight in my feet so I can hopefully get down to a size 9. Fingers crossed here too.


Thanks for taking the time out to comment. Come back real soon!

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