March 30, 2013

A lesson in silence

Hey look at me another blog post in less than a week! Whoot whoot! So today's post is about being challenged and being pushed to your limit.

Due to a series of events my mom has had to move in with us. It's kind of bitter sweet because we've wanted her to move in so she doesn't have the hassle of living alone and taking on homeownership and all that comes with the title. On the other hand this is the same woman who raised me and was a strict, I'm going to say it judgmental, and overly religious type of mom. I know all those characteristics are coming from a "good place" but 17 year old Erika shows up at times and doesn't think so.

As I figured mom would move in and start taking charge. Telling us what we should and shouldn't do and you know all the things a controlling mom tends to do. My first reaction is to retaliate and say something flip. I don't know that 17 year old switch gets flipped and then I can't stop myself.

Through the years I've learned (from my husband primarily) that silence is golden. It really is. Making the choice not to engage in an activity that is counter productive like arguing for arguments sake. It keeps peace and sanity in the air...and that to me is priceless. Not to mention constantly arguing is just emotionally draining. I understand mom will be mom. What I have a hard time dealing with is the lack of respect. I find it disrespectful when I am an adult and have set forth certain rules of the house and they are disregarded like I'm some child with treehouse rules. I give my daughter the respect she deserves and she's 8. Actually my mom gives my daughter the respect as, not so much.

It takes alot for me to stay silent...not to mention I'm a chatterbox and I always have to state my point! Life has a way of testing you and showing you that you're growing up so I guess you can level up once you pass each test. Who knows. All I know is that during this time I'm practicing being humble, grateful and QUIET. Things could be worse. I could be without a mom. 17 year old Erika will have to take a back seat and learn a lesson or two. Look at me growing only took 24 years!

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