December 18, 2012

It's been a while

I know it's been a while. So much has happened. Here's a quick run down:


I was offered a scholarship to return to school to pursue my dream of becoming a graphic designer.


Started school full time and I've been neck deep in assignments ever since. I expect to graduate Summer 2014. I'm quite excited! I discovered Paul McKenna. Well sort of, I purchased his book a year ago and put it on the shelf and forgot about it.

Received T-Tapp exercise DVD set. Started my bootcamp. You can read more about the T-Tapp here.

September: Had to end my bootcamp because my left knee became so swollen I had to stay off of it.

October: My artwork was featured in the school main lobby! Yay!
My weight loss journey has been pretty stagnant since.
So life has been pretty crazy. One thing I can say is that while I haven't lost a major amount of weight I haven't gained any either. I've realized I'm a great maintainer! Yay me! I've learned that making little changes is what matters most. Here are some of the things that are a normal part of my life that never was in the past:

Drinking water when going out to eat
Parking farthest from the store/mall entrance. I no longer stalk people and it has been pretty liberating.
Eat when I'm hungry
Eat what I want
Stop eating when I'm full
Listen to my Paul McKenna CD daily or when stressed.

So my local gym is offering annual memberships for only $99.99 and I'm going to rejoin. It's not in the budget but getting hypertension or diabetes isnt in the budget either. I'll be listing some ribbon on ebay for the budget to allow for this expense. I'm quite excited to rejoin. While T-Tapp was working it put too much strain on my knees and I need to strengthen them before I restart T-Tapp.

Going to gym will allow me to get on the treadmill and relieve stress. In addition burn a few calories and catch up on Downton Abbey on my iPad. Have you watched that show? If not you should! Check it out on Netflix.


I joined the gym! I promised myself that I will lose 50-80 pounds this upcoming year. I've continued to attempt to balance school and home life. Moments were good while some moments were not so good. I'd studied like I never have before. I made possibly the best Thanksgiving turkey I've ever made and hosted one of the most fun-filled dinners ever.

I completed my first semester of graphic design school with straight A's!! Not bad for taking a 16 hour load plus being a mom!! I walked in the annual Christmas parade with my daughter's girl scout troop, got rained on, and loved every minute of it. I've decided to make some changes and changed the name of my blog and online name.

See lots have happened. I am going to blog here more. I know it's a poor excuse not to blog because of your blog name but hey, that's how I am! :-)

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