September 19, 2013

Diet update and my new goal

First I want to thank you for reading my rant the other day. I don't know why I let my expectations of people who let me down get the best of me. I've decided I have the best accountability buddies right under my nose and that's my blog and readers. Duh!

In the past I've been absent because I felt like I didn't live up to what I should or I thought my progress should be. I back slid and avoided the blog because I felt like I would let my readers down. Never once did I think hey maybe I should stay on the blog and blog about letting you down and not living up to my weight loss goals and how I should push through.

Things are going to change. I'm going to share with you my pitfall and my triumphs. The ins and outs of my journey so maybe you can relate and I have documentation of my journey. Without further adieu I wanted to update you on my progress.

I still listen to Paul McKenna. I would say I tune in every other week a few nights a week. I know I don't have to listen to him all the time so the occasional listen for me works.  I've started to ride my bike! I want to be a runner really I do, but new running shoes are not in the budget and my knees are not the best around so I thought the next best thing is riding my bike. My daughter and I ride together 2-3 nights a week. I've started to eat low carb again. I'm focusing on Atkin's because that plan just works for me. I see progress rather quickly which gives me the motivation I need to keep moving towards my goal.

This past month I've lost 3 inches just by eating low carb and not having any "whites" pasta, bread, or rice. I also went shopping and I bought skinny jeans one size smaller!!! Woo hoo!!!

My new weight loss goal is to be a size 10 by Thanksgiving. This fall is chock full of events for me, a baby shower for a high school friend which means mini class reunion, I host Thanksgiving every year at my house, plus Black Friday shopping that night. I have many reasons why being a size 10 is where I need to be!

My short term goal is to be a size 14 by the end of the month. I became a size 16 by the end of last month and I plan on being a size 12 by the end of October so being a size 10 by the end of November is realistic and doable. I focus on size rather than weight because my philosophy is that you can't drag a scale into the dressing room expecting to fit into that smaller size. It's not weight it's inches.

How do you gauge your progress? Do you have any specific goals for the fall? I'd love to know, post below!

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