September 16, 2013

Shouldn't buddies be supportive?

I know it's been a while but I just had to vent about accountability buddies. You see I had one, well I have one but I'm not sure how "supportive" she is. I feel like I take time to listen to her complaints and her venting but when it's my turn she doesn't have the time. That's not right, right? I mean I thought you're suppose to be there for your buddy no matter what?

Let me back up by saying that I support her on her weight loss journey even though it's almost to the end. Well sort of. Once she reaches a new goal weight she makes a new one. I think she's hoping to weigh less than 105 pounds. Anyway, she focuses on the negative and the things that are NOT going well in her life instead of accepting that life will have rough patches and it's how you get through them that counts.

Life it NOT about wallowing in the rough patches and making bad situations worse. It seems like in my texts I keep repeating myself, so much that I'm a bit blunt and direct now and not so tender and soft spoken anymore. I'm telling you folks the constant bitching and complaining gets old.  Especially when she's not doing anything to improve her situation and there is minimal to no support from her.

I think in her mind being my buddy means, half way reading my text messages and giving me one to three word answers. Or better yet not replying because the "tragedy of the moment" which is not-so-tragic is too much for her to deal with. So I'm done. I'm firing her and trying to think of a way to tactfully do it.

Have you ever had to fire your accountability buddy?

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