July 26, 2011

Coping with stress and sticking to the plan

I have to say that these last few days have been pretty stressful for me and today seem to reach epic proportions. Most people, and this is my perception, most people may experience stress at work so they go home to relieve the stress. Some people experience stress at home and have their job to offset their stressful home life. So what happens when you are faced with stress at home and at work? How do you cope? How do you alleviate the stress? How do you find balance so you can have some peace in your life? Well those are issues that I am facing and I don't have the answers.

I have a dear friend that told me a while ago that you "Choose" to be happy. Happiness doesn't just happen by chance. And I can see that theory being tested in my life at the present moment. I am going to CHOOSE to be happy/content and not allow the stress to take over and slowly kill me. So I ask you again how would you deal with stress in your life? I would love suggestions. I've tried counting to 10, deep breathing, and saying prayers. While they keep me distracted at the moment they don't typically make me feel any better. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.

On a brighter note I have been able to stick to the plan and I am still at 228.8 pounds so that is a great thing. I remember the days when I used to eat my weight in Little Debbie cakes to make the "pain" go away. Honestly that is no longer an option for me. Now I use reminder cards that list the reasons why I want to lose the weight. At first I didn't think it would work but it really does. Just taking a moment to really think about why I am reaching for something that is not a part of the plan has helped tremendously. Also when I get an urge to eat something (even if its on plan) but its past 9pm I will walk in place right by the sofa to fight off the urge to eat. What do you do to stay on track? Post your comments below. I look forward to reading them!


  1. Great post! I have tried those techniques as well - the breathing, counting to 10, prayers and your right, long term they don't work. My stress relief has been food which is why I weigh 100 kilos (220lbs). Thanks to your wonderful comment you left me I am going to make the effort not to eat my stress or any other emotions. I have come up with a list of things I can do instead - I am going to turn my stress into exercise and not reach for the biscuit barrel.

    Another trick I use is the 10 Things I want more list. I use it when I want something that I don't really want, but want it just because it's there (hope that makes sense) All I do is list 10 things I want more than the pepsi or whatever the temptation is. If I can't think of 10 things then I can have the temptation. I've never eaten the thing I wanted cause I never fail to come up with 10 things and I get a sense of achievement when I don't eat the temptation which makes me feel so much better than if I had of eaten it.

    I know our lives aren't stress free but hopefully we can manage to keep our fingers out of the lolly jar and burn some calories instead. Have a great weekend :)

  2. Hi (again) I've just been looking through your older posts and I have to say I love, love, love that Lilly dress - it is gorgeous. I too would love to be able to wear such a beautiful feminine dress - I am aiming for next summer.

  3. This is getting embarrassing - it's me again. I am just loving your blog!! I have added you to my daily fix list :)

    Just curious, but have you been back to a spin class? I tried spin a few times, but could never really get into it. This first time I did it, it hurt to sit down for 3 days after. After about 6 attempts I just gave up it just wasn't for me.

    If you can try Zumba, it is way more fun and you don't seem to be watching the clock like I did in spin plus you burn more calories - I would burn around 400 in spin, but just over 600 in Zumba.

  4. Hi Jane!
    Thanks for posting!! I am glad you like my blog!!! I have not been back to spin class because I just couldn't take it anymore. Haha! I've been dying to try Zumba though. Presently my gym offers it but unfortunately it is not given at a time convenient for me. So I do Turbo Jam at home from time to time. I also do the Wii games, Just Dance 1 & 2 and We Cheer. Those games have great Pop and dance songs that keep me motivated. I tend to gravitate towards dance cardio activities. I may invest in the Wii Zumba game. Maybe that will be my reward for reaching 220 pounds! Wish me luck. Keep me posted on your progress. I would love to hear how you're doing! Thanks again for checking my blog out!


Thanks for taking the time out to comment. Come back real soon!

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