September 7, 2011

Getting bored

Today during my lunch break my coworker mentioned that I shouldn't have gotten off the Atkins diet since it has help me shed almost 15 pounds. She also mentioned the reason why I'm not sticking to my diet is because I haven't mastered the art of menu planning. Oh how I hate that word! I am not sure why. Under normal circumstances I love to plan. I just feel like a complete idiot coming up with a meal plan. Seems like when I attempt to make a meal plan something changes...circumstances, spontaneous combustion of the brain events that force me off my meal plan, or just plain lack of funds because our food budget is primarily for the family not just for me. So I have alot going against me with this whole "meal planning" business.

So here I am again about to make another attempt at menu planning...please if you are reading this, please post your advise below. I need ALL THE HELP I can get!!!  Planning based on the things I CAN'T have seems easier than planning for the things that I can have. I know menu planning is crucial because the  "I-think-I-know-how-many-carbs-guess-timation" strategy of daily net carbs is way off, hence the slow weight loss progress.

Anyway, I am getting bored with the limited food choices that are available to me. I seem to have gotten myself into a rut with the foods I eat. I tend to eat the same things over and over again. And making the investment to change my pantry foods to Atkins friendly foods is a very big investment that I can't do at the moment. I guess I must take baby steps. I am challenging myself for the next two weeks to look for low-carb recipes and create a meal plan with those recipes. Wish me luck because I am going to need it. I really thought this journey would be alot easier, guess I was wrong. Here's to staying focused without getting bored.


  1. I have found it challenging to stick to Atkins or other type of regimes such as it. Works great for some. I found counting calories works best for me. Years ago I did weight watchers for about 3 months & it taught me I can eat anything just have watch quantity. I have found success eating 3 square meals a day & 3 snacks. The snacks are about 90-100 calories. Could be a granola bar or piece of fruit, etc. My main meals I learned portion control. What it means & what it looks like. Used the internet to find out calorie count for items & started tracking. I do not deprive myself. If I want a piece of cake I have it but small piece & not all the time. Control is still key. I don't feel like I am limiting myself as with other plans I have tried. I hope this helps a little bit. I have found success with it. Bottom line is you have to find what works for you, do Not give up & don't eat your way thru any frustration you may feel.

  2. Thanks for taking time out to post your thoughts. I have found that Atkins or a low-carb plan works best for me than any other plan even WW. I've been using to log my food consumption and track my progress to me it has the best database of foods than anywhere else on the web. I don't have a problem with portions. My biggest problem is sticking to my grocery budget AND the Atkins diet. My family's grocery budget wins every time. So it's a balancing act. Thanks again for taking time to leave a comment and your words of encouragement! Best of luck on your journey!


Thanks for taking the time out to comment. Come back real soon!

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