September 2, 2011

I over did it!

I was a bit adventurous to say the least when I planned on alternating my Couch to 5K program with Chalean Extreme. If you are not familiar with either programs here are brief descriptions of both.

Couch to 5k (c25k): Helps sedentary folks train to compete in a 5k race (and live to see the finish line without passing out) in 9 weeks.

Chalean Extreme: Creator of Turbo Jam/Turbo Fire is an intense weight training circuit that is 3 months of alternative weight training, ab training, and cardio all rolled into one. It is produced by the folks who make P90x.

I love Chalene more than Jillian Michaels because she is much more uplifting without being too syrupy like a stepford wife. To me Jillian is like a military drill sargeant and I don't like that type of motivation because if I wanted to be treated like I was in the military I would have joined the military. Chill Jill! LOL

On Tuesday I did Chalene's Burn circuit 1 day 1 (she changes up the routine each day and week to prevent plateauing). I used the same weights and did all the exercises I normally do, but something was different this time. My left knee felt a little weak when I was doing the lunges and squats (you do A LOT of them BTW). I kept on and I completed the exercise. This morning after dry brushing (yep still doing it!) and then taking a shower I noticed that my left knee was a bit swollen. By mid-morning it seemed to cut off the circulation to my lower leg so I took Tylenol. That was a waste of time. At lunch I went home and took 2 Aleve and that doesn't seem to be helping any either. Oh I hope I'm not dying or having a heart attack...but aren't you suppose to smell toast burning or something? Ugh!

Well needless to say I didn't workout last night nor will I workout tonight. I am going to take it easy and use an ice pack to see if the swelling goes down a bit. We are going to Disney this weekend since we signed our souls to the devil are annual pass holders. You know what that means...walking, standing, and sweltering in the heat, not good for these 40 year old knees!

Here's to being an over achiever!

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