September 9, 2011

I'm obsessed...

...with weighing myself! I find myself jumping on the scale several times a day to see how my weight fluctuates. Well this has officially driven me bonkers! The good news to report is that my weigh in this morning was the lowest to date...223.6!! Woo hoo! So with that being said I am going try and weigh in once a week. I can tell you that will be a difficult challenge.

I am still struggling with meal planning and sticking to the diet. I find myself taking the easy way out and ordering fast food chicken nuggets because its cheap and easy. I haven't had green veggies in a few days. My water consumption is better than it was a few days ago. I tell you this weight loss thing is baby steps and bruised knees and ALOT of mind over matter.

So how have you been doing with your weight loss journey? Are you obsessed with anything? Post below.


  1. i'm obsessed with peanuts... lol i've been eating them every single weekday for the past 3 months and just last week I ran out and haven't gone to buy more and my body is seriously demanding them... is that mind over matter? lol

  2. I totally get what you are saying about the scale thing...but often times I react opposite. A couple years ago I went crazy about losing weight (I was running 4-6 miles a day and being vegan with the exception of a protein bar in the morning)--I refused to step on the scale. It was as if the number would scare me; even though I knew I was losing weight because my body was shrinking and I was getting to buy new jeans, I jsut couldn't handle it. I think it was the fear that the lower number on the scale wouldn't match up to how I confident I felt about myself, meaning if I weighed 155, I felt like I weighed 140 and it would have just destroyed me mentally. But, I have weighed frequently throughout the day before and it has driven me crazy. I had to buy a scale yesterday to weigh myself before I started nutrisystem, and now it sits in my room where I can see it every day and I know I can't get on until next week (not that I am eager to, I hate scales). Maybe if you try setting a time every other day to weigh, it will help. That way you can see the fab progress you are making and be proud of your achievement. I started nutrisystem because I just moved to a new city, my cooking skills sucked, and I was eating out all the time--I probably gained 5-10 pounds in the past three months from it. Doing this total revamping thing (as of now) is helping me feel like I'm more in control of my life. You should see if there is a change you can make mentally so you can act on it daily. AND GIRL, I'm here for ya, I get it.


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